22 year old girl with a laptop Who am I. Every poet starts by writing about themselves. About their emotional and physical turmoil. Millions of #poems about break ups and lost loves and death and births and being lost and being found. Who am I to tell you my story as if it is more important than yours. As if you are privileged to hear my story. As if it is special that you get to hear it. My father taught me that the opposite of love is indifference. How indifferent can you be if you continue to write about it? To memorise the words and tell them to audiences. To immortalise them in books and posts. How indifferent can you be if you turn it into something that defines your #life. Who am I. Every poet turns to writing about their journey to enlightenment. Of finding themselves among the rubble of their #life, of how they turned everything around. The truth is, that’s not how people find themselves. It isn’t loud and beautifully intertwined word written on a napkin in a coffee shop. It isn’t breathing and standing on cliffs. It’s quietly sipping your tea, before drinking a bottle of wine to yourself and falling asleep heavy and sound. It’s going about your day the same as normal and letting time do what it does- go on. Who am I. I’m no poet. I’m a 22 year old girl with a laptop and too many thoughts.

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