ترجم   منذ 7 سنوات

love can taste like the wine of the ages I was always content with being by myself, I'd never really even conceived the idea of being in a couple. I always kind of thought that it would never happen to me. Sure, I'd had opportunities to feel loved by someone but in the back of my mind I always feared how distraught I would be if things didn't work out, and I guess that's what put me off making the leap. And then I met you. As soon as I walked into that room I felt something, and I could tell that you did too. One look and my heart and my head told me that I had to be with you. For the first time I wasn't terrified of making that leap - the thought of having my heart broken by you faded away in a blissful sigh, and everyone else in the room began to ebb out of focus. Your ocean eyes met my shy gaze and our souls connected. I never could have dreamed how perfectly our lives could intertwine, you are part of me and I am part of you. The first time you told me you loved me, I have never felt such emotion in my entire #life. Finally all the love songs started to make sense. Each day I fall more and more in love with you, and I never want to stop. I tell you all the time that you are my perfect man, and I mean every word I say. You hold and squeeze my hand when we are out together, you dance with me when our songs are playing, you kiss me when I wrap my arms around your neck, and you hold me close when I break. Nobody knows what the future holds, but I hope that we are in each other's. You've given me more love and hope than I ever could have conjured up in my dreams. You're the love of my #life, I already know it. D.P.

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