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. #life . .#life. Sitting waiting quietly on the bed holding your slim bony hand Thoughts of the first time You held mine Look both ways to be safe Big smile on your face That was then This is now Slowly your eyes open With only a half smile I am in pain you said Would you stand for awhile Standing feeling totally useless Can’t get near you for the wires and lines the nurse appears looking at notes She gives me a sympathetic smile but no hope You gently stroke my arm saying #life has been great But not when in pain when you say I was the best thing in your #life and not to be sad But get on with my #life Feeling pain I have ever had Why hasn’t everything stopped Want it all to be still Looking at the half dead flowers on the windowsill should I throw them away or leave them in place I don’t want to go away But sense you want space Slowly leave, eyes welling up looking at the wall and back at you For the very last time Your Beautiful words Put in a cushioned box And stored in my mind Until less painful to reclaim rooted to the spot not wanting to give up hope But also knowing when I push though those double doors all of the best #life we had mine and yours will be no more. #myMemories*diary.

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