The War Rages On I've started a war poetry topic in my english lessons, this is just a little something inspired by the lesson we had today.Do enjoy!-L It doesn't matter who I am or where I am from, I am a soldier, and the war rages on. Too much time, and too much noise, I shouldn't be here, it wasn't by choice. I push and I push, but my body rebels, I can't carry on, do I hear those bells? All by myself, I just won't make friends, And there's nothig to do when silence descends. Nothing fills the hours; there's so much time, I make countless songs and rhyme upon rhyme, I sing of home, of being safe and warm, Not wet and and cold, miserable and torn. My mind is a wreck and head-deep in soil, I just want to be free, away from emotional turmoil, But it's not going to happen, we drive on and we fight, The orders are given, though we know it's not right. Guns fill the air and we need to be brave, But then a comrad falls, one we can't save. The pain in our head is so big and so great, But it must be ignored, so not so seal my fate. We're all the same in the pit of despair, My soul has been taken, it's just not fair. But it doesn't matter who I am, or where I am from, I am a soldier...And the war rages on.

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