You are more They say beauty is in the eye of thee beholder! If we accepted this as truth do you think we act bolder ? If we looked past the facade past the rumors or lies, Take a closer look to where the truth resides. Listen more and think before we speak, Be slower to judge and ignorantly critique. Just because someone perceives you a certain way doesn’t make It so! What others say about you doesn’t define you you’re worth more than you know. Don’t let anyone tell you that who you are isn’t enough. I know the lies can speak such volumes and that can be tough! To feel like you are drowning within the depths of your own mind , Making you feel like a prisoner distorting you perception and making you blind. So listen to me! You are worth it!who you are is enough! Please Don’t buy into these lies and messed up stuff. Let this truth sink in ,let it lift you up ,let it open you eyes and wake you up
Nik Larcombe
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shay G.
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