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The Rise Of The Robots (Short Story) Heaven, it seemed a million miles away from where I was, but it felt so near to me at times as-well, it was as if it was just around the corner, watching me, taking notes of every move that I did, as if it was just waiting for the right moment to take me, take me away from the world I lived in, because the world that I lived in.. Was evil, it frightened me, it made the monsters in my nightmares seem friendly, at-least in some sense they were there for me, even if I didn't exactly wish them to be, but they were, and they weren't going anywhere either it seemed, and I wasn't going to be strong enough to make them leave. It was the year 2000, the start of a new millennium, technology seemed to be becoming more powerful every-day, I was pretty certain that one day it would take over the world, and we'd be following it's every command like a lost puppy, I'm also very sure that one day even robots will take over us, maybe by then it will be way too late to sort something out, and we'd all be in trouble, we'd all feel hopeless. My monsters were in my head, way, way back in my head though and there was no way that they were going to escape at all, I wasn't going to allow that to happen, but each day that's new, the monsters would try and try again to crack open the hard shell inside my mind, to escape and confront me, maybe perhaps even try to kill me, I didn't really know what they were capable of, nor did I wish to find out either. I laid flat on my back, staring at the ceiling, every thought spinning around slowly inside my head like a pack of vultures circling around their prey, but mainly it was the darkened thoughts that were taking center stage, pushing away my best thoughts to the very back of my mind, as if they never even existed, as if the best thoughts themselves were the most terrifying thoughts that one could have. BLEEP!! BLEEP!! That was my phone, bleeping away, as if the message that I had just received was trying to stir my whole senses inside, I sat-up in my bed, bashed my pillows together, and took a glance towards my phone. 'Turn on the T.V Emma, turn it on now!!' I received the text from a work colleague, who was recently studying robotic developments, and the relationships between humans and robots, learning how they both could potentially change the shape of the world we live in, in the not so distant future. I switched on the television, flicking through the channels, until I stopped at a particular channel which seemed to resonate with what my work colleague had just texted me, "We have sufficient evidence, that robots, and everything associated with Artificial Intelligence, has taken over this world!" A young lad proclaims, live on the T.V, seemingly a scientist, or at-least a student working on scientific studies. "Robots, and artificial intelligence are now leading this world, I would have to agree with that statement he just said, it's finally happened, this world has been taken over, by artificial intelligence." I say, with a feel of confidence, emanating from the tone of my voice, as I look outside of my window, and zoom into a crowd lined-up outside on the streets, protesting against science and Artificial Intelligence, as the sun starts to slowly beam towards my window, I see a pale reflection of myself through the clear, clean glass, and I see, that I am one of them, one of the leaders of this world.. And I am ready to lead it correctly. Emma continued to stare outside the window, as her robotic form was finally seen, as she stood looking emotionless through the window, sitting on the chair behind her, was a guy, wearing a grey, buttoned shirt, which was covered in blood, a sharp, metal blade was sticking inside his chest, just underneath his heart, another wound was visible from his throat, it looked as though his throat had been slashed, there was a shard of glass covered in blood, laying on the floor. It really did look like robots and artificial intelligence were beginning to take over the world, but for good or bad? Maybe you should just decide.

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