Traducciones   7 años

Proud of 2017 Reaching a point of Decision I've moved on to pastures new. Four years It's taken to arrive at this point, Fear and trepidation Shook me to my very core Yet that step I Boldly took. 11 months on, I've grown proud Of the choice I made. Cameo! It's the hardest thing I've ever done But stuck to it I have. My mental state Is being addressed I'm letting people in I never would have- Therapists and friends. Don’t we share the same goal? Personality disorder -Of which I hate I will learn to embrace. 2017, I took you by the balls Threw away my Preconceptions of destiny. I've made my own path. I'll follow it on shaky legs, Nevertheless- I will still walk. So many challenges came my way Terrors and joys But I've learned to embrace All. I feed on the truth they tell me Channeling positivity. 2018 is here, Bring on your ass whooping Coz I got my sword ready To slash and swipe Any negativity You try to bring my way! ##poetsin #poetry #selfpride #mentalhealth #personalitydisorder

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