перевести   7 лет назад

A Call For War I hear the sirens, the sound begins to pierce through me, there's nowhere left to run, ahead of me I spot a child standing alone crying, as she begins to crumble down to her knees, it's been days since we've seen the sun, I'm searching for a new home, as we continue this journey alone. Our city's now in ruin, as I walk through the devastation, just a day ago all I could hear was gunshots, as bodies fell to the ground, now all I see is blood splattered dots, and no one seems to be making a sound, men and women died for this country, just so the rest of us can live freely, surely we shouldn't be damaging their legacy, by tarnishing our very own piece of history. This country has the right to be protected, but our very own people don't deserve to be neglected, I'm not criticising anything, I'm just saying what I'm feeling, they need their faiths in our governments restored, because right now we just feel we're being ignored, so join with me, as we walk onwards towards the highest leaders, as I just want to see, if any of them are a believer, as I just want to see if they understand how we feel, this will be our last appeal. As we begin to kneel, our feelings inside begin to heal, and now that we're getting our messages across, the highest leaders begin to understand our loss, as they kneel down with us too, suddenly the clouds begin to change colour to blue, and everything seems fine, as armies begin to withdraw their firing lines, and join us by kneeling, to pray side by side, as we open up our feelings, and now we don't feel the need to hide, there seemed to be a call for war, but now we're all lined-up in a row on the floor, grieving, as all our tears begin to pour, because of a call for war, which only seemed to give us a #lifetime of gore, and memories that we'll always store, as the spirits of our fallen heroes continue to soar.

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