Traducciones   7 años

For my mom A mother's day #poem, To keep in your pocket or purse, And carry where ever you may roam. A reminder of not just the first, But the second, third, and fourth #life You gave name to on this earth. A day to remember each and every birth. A time to celebrate all its worth. A priceless sentiment to honor your selfless acts. Of all the time spent having our backs. The countless times putting us before you Always leading by example of what we should do. The hugs, kisses and nightly tuck ins, The hours spent in the stands cheering on our wins. Consoling us in our losses, Urging us to never give up, Listening to us bitch about our bosses "mhmm, I understand, yup, yup" You're always looking out for our best interest Still supporting our dreams and the our vision’s next quest. You're the only woman I know to operate a long arm quilter and table saw in the same day That you made a gourmet meal, "You nailed it!" I'd say. I consider myself lucky to be one of the few To hug and kiss you back and tell you I love you. I hope on this day you remember all year, Your one of a kind love I'll always hold dear and wish to be near.

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