übersetzen   7 Jahre

ANNOUNCEMENT Hey everyone! It's Nick again! I know I haven't been writing much lately, I have been super busy and #life is bringing a lot of struggles right now and I haven't had much free time! I just wanted to let you all know that my #poem "Recolor Me" is going TO BE PUBLISHED! I sent it in into a poetry contest for Scholastic Publishing Co. and my #poem caught the attention of the Apelley Publishing Co.! Every year Apelley comes out with a book of #poems from students called "Rising Stars!" My #poem will be featured in the 2017 edition!!! It will be available for a limited time during the summer! If you want to buy a copy, you can contact them at www.Appelley.org! Along with my #poem several other stunning #poems from other 3-12 students will be featured in the book! This is a HUGE accomplish for me and I want to thank you all!!!! This is better than reaching #2 in the ranks or reaching 100 followers here! The real achievement is being able to express myself and knowing I am surroundedd by a healthy writing environment and whatever I write will be accepted! For years I had been searching for a good writing community and I was lucky to have found a GREAT one! Opusia is my home and you all are my family! So please keep writing your beautiful poetry and reach for your goals! You ALL are "Rising Stars" to me!🤗🤗🤗 Big thanks and hopefully I'll be able to get on a little more. Just wanted to share this news with you all! My #poem "Recolor Me" with be down below! ⤵️⤵️ Recolor Me by Nicolas Prince Recolor my destiny, Bright young star, So I can go far Recolor my love, Rushing streams, So I can dream Recolor my laughter, Big black wren, So I can joke again Recolor my happiness, Green, green leaves So I can once more, have peace Recolor me… For everyone to see.

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