übersetzen   6 Jahre

Warning Signs I have faced evil and I have survived. You ask me what that means, and I can only tell you what it means to me. Evil is something that takes you slowly, piece by piece by piece until it has so many parts of you that you no longer recognise the bits left behind. The pieces it takes, it feeds on, nibbling away - it doesn't destroy them. Just changes them - a little at a time; returning them bit by bit by bit. Putting them back where it found them. So maybe you don't realise yet and maybe, maybe no one else does either. and then it happens, you're submerged in an ocean of grief and you sink to the undertow because you're filled with holes from what he ate away. Carried away with a tide you have no means to swim because he took your bones. He took your fight. Evil is not the same for everyone, it may not have a face or shape, it may be physical for some, mental for others but it all ends the same - things are changed. and yes, you’re right... Change isn’t always a bad thing, but change after evil is laying in the wake of a destruction so vast it leaves you in a wasteland of regret, and all you can think is, I should’ve seen it coming. I should have seen the warning signs. This. Is. My. Fault.

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