Tradurre   7 anni fa

Speech of the Deflated Ego Speech of the Deflated Ego You’ve got to get something straight. I’m twenty-four, six feet tall, And able to guitar-riff this place to the ground. Three crop-tops and a mini-skirt Have all tried to buy me a drink Probably hoping they’re also buying their way Into my bedroom. And even though It could have been so easy To reimburse their drink offer In the back of a taxi cab, I turned them down. I turned them down Because of you. You’ve been sitting here, nursing a martini While I’m trying to hold together the dignity That you could so easily grind Under the soles of those kitten heels. The glacial gaze you’re giving me With those ice-colored eyes, Is somehow melting me. You’ve scowled at every leather jacket And college sweatshirt that tried, Tried to make a move on you, But the moment our gazes locked from across the bar, I couldn’t focus on anything. Except for the way your lips moved When you mouthed, “I dare you.”

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