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Mass Effect: The Experiment Commander Shepard sat in his cabin, looking over a dossier given to him by The Illusive Man. It was a dossier for some kind of tech genius. Name unknown, but located on a research facility. Shepard put the dossier away and went down to the CIC. "Chambers." Shepard said, standing at the galaxy map. "Yes, Shepard?" Yeoman Kelly Chambers asked. "Have you read the dossier on this tech genius?" Shepard asked. "I skimmed through it. I gather that he's at a research facility and that no-one really knows his name. What do you think the people at the facility call him? The facility didn't provide any info about him." Chambers asked. "I couldn't even begin to guess. We'll find out when we get there." Shepard said, plotting a course to the research facility. "So, what do you guys think of this tech genius?" Shepard asked his squad members as they sat around the table in the meeting room. "I kinda know what this research facility is. It's a Cerberus facility. I’ve never been there myself." Miranda said. "Really? I've never even heard about this place before. What do they do there?" Jacob asked. "You wouldn't have heard anything. The Illusive Man doesn't want anyone to know about it. Don't even ask how I found out." Miranda said. "And here's the thing. I don't know what they're doing there. The Illusive Man was dead set on not having any details of this project leak. I looked into it, and I couldn’t find a thing." She added. "So, this could be anything from making new weapons, to experimenting on aliens." Garrus said. "Basically anything that could give Cerberus a bad image." He added. Miranda nodded. "Maybe it's just me, but I've got a bad feeling about this facility. I've got a feeling they're doing some messed up shit." Jack said. "The fact that a name wasn't given in the dossier concerns me slightly." Shepard said. "Could be a security concern." Mordin said, chiming in. "That is a good point. What do we say when we get there then?" Garrus asked. "I mean, we can't ask for someone who's name we don't know." He added. "You're right. We'll figure it out when we get there." Shepard said. The Normandy docked at the Cerberus research facility. Shepard, Jack and Kasumi left the ship and walked into an area that looked like a reception area. "Well, it looks innocent enough." Shepard said. "Looks can be deceiving, Shep." Kasumi said, looking around. The trio waited in the reception until a scientist came down to meet them. "You must be Commander Shepard." The scientist said. "Here for specimen 739, I assume." He added. "Wait, did you just say specimen?" Shepard asked. "Yes. We've been experimenting on him for a long time now, it’s almost a shame to give him up." The scientist said, casually. "How long?" Shepard asked. "A very long time, I’d say." The scientist said. "The past 23 years. We’ve had him since he was just a child. His mother willingly gave him to us soon after he was born." He added after a few seconds. Shepard looked at his two squad members. Jack looked enraged and Kasumi looked shocked. "His entire #life? What the hell is your problem?" Shepard asked, nearly shouting. "You've taken this man's #life away from him, and for what?" He added, either not noticing or not caring that other scientists were staring at him. "In case you haven’t realised, up until recently, humanity haven’t been very well received by others in the galaxy, if worse comes to worst, we want to be prepared to fight back . We’ve done similar projects but most have failed. This one is doing rather well, in comparison." The scientist said. "How can you be so casual about this?" Jack asked. "Do you wish for me to bring him down?" The scientist asked, ignoring Jack. "Yes." Shepard said, bluntly. "OK. I'll just radio up. I need to add that he has been restrained, and will need to be or he will go ballistic." The scientist said. "Yeah, being experimented on does that to a person. Why restrain him, though?" Jack asked. "As I'm sure The Illusive Man said in the dossier, he is a genius when it comes to technology. Literally any piece of tech and he can get it working like that." The scientist said, snapping his fingers. "And as I’m sure you’d guess he is also incredibly good with computers. Which includes our defence system. If we don't restrain him, he could kill us and possibly himself." He added. The scientist stepped away, calling up to someone to bring down the specimen. Minutes later, an elevator door opened, and a pod containing specimen 739 came rolling out. The only part visible of 739 was his head. He was looking down, and breathing raggedly, with long hair covering his face. Shepard and his squad members walked up to him. 739 looked up and outside and saw the Cerberus logo on the Normandy. "No!" 739 shouted. "Just let me live my #life! Or what’s left of it!" He shouted, lashing out against his restraints. One of the guards raised his hand in an attempt to hit 739, until Shepard reached out and stopped him. "Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?" Shepard asked. "I get that this is the first time you've been here, but you need to understand how things work here, a specimen gets outta line, we gotta get them back in line. Even if that means beating them." The guard said. "Get the hell out of here. We'll take him to the ship ourselves." Shepard said, pushing the guard away. Shepard had 739 loaded on the ship, in the port observation deck. "I hope you realise, that didn't change a thing." 739 said. "What do you mean?" Shepard asked. "I still don't like you. You're Cerberus. I have a thing against them." 739 said. "Look, I'm not working for Cerberus. I'm working for the galaxy here. There's a race known as the Collectors who are going to take humans until there's no-one left. I don't care if you like me or not. I just care that you're working with me." Shepard said. "Fine speech. How about you let me out of this thing and then we'll talk?" 739 said. "Sure, but first, tell me your name. I don't want to call you Specimen 739. And I'm sure you don't want me calling you that either." Shepard said. "I don't have a name." 739 said. "I've been at that facility since I was a baby. And they've only ever referred to me as 739." 739 said. "So, you don't have any name you want me to call you?" Shepard asked. 739 looked away from Shepard. "Well, there is one. But I don't really want to say. I'd rather not speak out of line." 739 said, still not making eye contact with Shepard. "They really messed you up, huh? I know it’s hard to grasp, but we do things differently around here. Tell me." Shepard said. "Goddamn it. Fine. Noah." 739 said. "There's always been something about the name Noah that I've kinda liked." He added. “Now, can you please get me the hell out of this?” He asked, sounding slightly angered. "Noah. Huh. Yeah, that's a good name." Shepard said, opening the pod that Noah was restrained in. Upon opening, Shepard saw that Noah's arms and legs were replaced with Geth arms and legs. "What did they do to you?" Shepard asked. "Yeah. They wanted to cross man and machine. Make me more efficient at doing things, shit, I don’t know. It's not just the arms and legs, they've replaced my eyes as well. And I'm almost certain that they’ve removed some internal organs, and I’m sure they put something inside me. Because I can constantly hear voices. That took some getting used to." Noah said, stretching his arms and legs. "You got any clothes? I'm kinda sick of wearing this jumpsuit." He asked, gesturing to his torn orange jumpsuit. "Yeah, I'll have something sent up to you." Shepard said. "Ah, good. So, this my little area?" He asked, looking around the observation deck. "I like it." He said, sitting on the couch. "Well, not solely yours and we do have actual rooms to sleep in. And this is only temporary, you can go wherever. There is someone else who likes to hang around in here." Shepard said, as the door opened. "Speak of the devil." He added, as Kasumi walked in. "And she shall appear." Kasumi said. “What’s going on, Shepard?” "I'm just telling Noah here that he'll be sharing this room with you for now." Shepard said. "You say that as if we don’t have actual rooms. So your name is Noah. Wonder why that wasn't on the dossier." Kasumi said. "Because I didn't have a name until about 3 minutes ago." Noah said. "I see. That facility must have been horrible." Kasumi said. "You're telling me. They took my arms and legs and replaced them with Geth arms and legs." Noah said, holding up his arms. "Oh god." Kasumi said, shocked. "Eh, it's not too bad." Noah said. "It was weird at first, but I've gotten used to it. The experiment stung like a bitch, though." He added. "Experiment?" Kasumi asked. "Oh yeah. This wasn't some #life saving operation or something. They just wanted to see if it would work. Lucky for me it did." Noah said, not making eye contact with Kasumi. "What do you mean by that?" Shepard asked. "Oh, I would've been killed had it not worked." Noah said, casually. "There anywhere to get some food on this ship?" He asked. "Uh, yeah. Follow me. See you later Kasumi." Shepard said, leaving the observation deck. "Of course, Shep." Kasumi said, sitting down on the couch. Noah and Shepard walked down the hall to the mess hall. Noah sat down while Shepard went to get some food for him. Garrus came walking down from the main battery and sat next to Noah. "So, you're our tech guy, huh?" Garrus asked. "Looks like it." Noah said, looking down. "Since we're working together, figured I'd come introduce myself. My name is Garrus Vakarian. And you are?" Garrus asked. "Noah. Don't have a last name. Least, not one that I know anyway." Noah said. "Damn. Those scientists really did a fine job with you." Garrus said, looking over Noah. "Though, the arms and legs are a bit… over the top." He added. "That's one way of looking at it. Being kept there my entire #life does give them a bit of an investment in me, so it’s in their best interest to keep me alive, at least. I'm just glad I don't have to go back. Like, I am seriously grateful for this. Didn't show it at the time, but I'm chalking that up to a miscommunication." Noah said. "We'll treat you better here." Garrus said, reassuringly. "Well, I appreciate it." Noah said. "And you really couldn't treat me any worse. Unless you execute me, or something." He added, laughing slightly. Shepard came over with a tray of food. "Oh, thanks. Now, you said something about the Collectors. Do you mind telling me more about them? I'm curious." Noah asked. "Honestly, I don't know too much about them. Other than the fact that they're targeting human colonies and abducting the colonists. They make it seem as if nothing was there in the first place." Shepard explained. "I see. Now what's the deal with Cerberus?" Noah asked, eating a bit of toast. “Well, I got killed by the Collectors.” Shepard began. “Ha! They did a fantastic job at it.” Noah said, looking over Shepard. “Well, Cerberus brought me back. In something known as the Lazarus project. Miranda was the head of it.” Shepard said, pointing to Miranda’s office. “I see. I may need to talk with her for a second.” Noah said, looking at the office. “What, why?” Shepard asked. “Nothing major, Shepard. I’ve seen her name. Miranda Lawson, I believe. She may not know everything, but she has to know something about me. What they’ve done.” Noah explained. “How have you seen her name?” Garrus asked. “She did say she couldn’t find anything out about that facility, didn’t she?” He asked. “Yeah, she did. What do you think she could possibly know?” Shepard asked. “Well, first, I found her name by just hacking into emails. The security at that place was the worst. And second, more details about the experiments they did on me. Like what these voices I hear are. It drives me insane. And the fact that I don’t think they just replaced my limbs and put something in me. There has to be more.” Noah said. “Well, can’t be worse than what Jack did to her.” Garrus said. “Yeah, I guess so. Look, I’ll take you to her after this, but for now, let’s just talk.” Shepard said. “Sure, sure. Hey, I have to apologise about how I acted when we first met. It wasn’t right.” Noah said, looking at Shepard. “Forget it. I can see why you reacted the way you did. Jack was the same.” Shepard said. “And you’ve changed very quickly.” He added. “Yeah. Mainly because I feel more comfortable here. Like I’m not going to get beaten for just saying something out of line. Also, who’s Jack? I don’t know any Jack here, least I don’t think.” Noah said, thinking. “Yeah, the other person with me at the facility.” Shepard explained. “I see.” Noah said. “Who else is on this ship? At least, who do you take on missions?” He asked. “Well, there’s Garrus, Miranda, Jacob, Mordin, Grunt, Kasumi, Zaeed, Tali and Jack.” Shepard said. “And now, there’s you.” He added. “But, we’ve still got a few more people to pick up.” “Kickass. I got this. You mind if I get myself acquainted with people? I’d like to know who I’m working with.” Noah asked. “Yeah, sure. Of course.” Shepard said. “So, what exactly happened with you two?” Garrus asked. “Noah said there was some miscommunication.” He added. “Well, I freaked out, figured that Shepard was moving me to another facility. I just saw the Cerberus logo on the ship.” Noah explained. “I can see how that would cause you to freak out. I thought Miranda said it was just Cerberus funded, not actually a Cerberus facility.” Garrus said. “Yeah, it is Cerberus funded. Which is mainly the reason I hate them. If they hadn’t funded it, I probably wouldn’t have been experimented on.” Noah said. “But hell, that’s just me.” He added. Noah stood up. “Mind if we talk to Miranda now? I won’t be able to relax if I don’t.” He added. “Yeah, sure. You just going to the battery after this, then?” Shepard asked. “You know it. Gotta get those calibrations done.” Garrus said, laughing. “I’ve been thinking, do I use the word “calibrations” too much?” He asked. “Yes. We’ll talk later, Garrus.” Shepard said, leading Noah to Miranda’s office. “Shepard. What can I do for you?” Miranda asked, as Shepard walked in. “Noah wants to speak with you.” Shepard said, pointing to Noah. “Oh, so that’s your name.” Miranda said, looking over Noah. “What did they do to you over there?” She asked. “That’s what I’m hoping to find out.” Noah said, approaching Miranda’s desk. “What do you mean?” Miranda asked, confused. “I just wanted to ask if you know anything about what they did to me. I swear they did more to me than just replacing my arms, legs and eyes. They put something in my head, I can constantly hear voices.” Noah explained. “I see. I can honestly say I have no idea what they’ve done. I could barely find anything out about you in the first place. Not your name, not even what you were doing at that facility.” Miranda said. “Damn it. Well, I’m not sure what to do now. I was hoping you’d know something.” Noah said, thinking. “Uh, Shepard?” He asked. “What is it?” Shepard asked. “I need to go back to that facility.” Noah said. “What do you mean? Why?” Shepard asked. “They have to have information on me. A file, anything.” Noah said. “And, I think you could help, Miranda. You’d say you’re pretty high up in the Cerberus ladder, yeah?” He asked. Miranda paused. “In what respect?” She asked. “Well, are you high enough up that you can ask for something without people getting suspicious?” Noah asked. “Yeah. I see where this is going and I just want to say this isn’t a good idea.” Miranda said. “But, I’ll come along anyway.” She added. “We don’t have to do this now, Shepard. Only when you’ve got time. Besides, I think I’d like to get to know the crew.” Noah said. “That’s fair enough. Come talk to me when you’ve met everyone and I’ll see what’s happening.” Shepard said. Noah nodded and left. “Are you really alright with this, Miranda?” He asked. “Yeah. There’s something I have to tell you.” Miranda said. “What is it?” Shepard asked. “I knew about what the facility was doing to Noah.” Miranda said. “Why didn’t you say anything?” Shepard asked. “I don’t know. It was a few years ago. I had to go to this facility and see how progress was going. I saw him and what they were doing, but I couldn’t do anything to stop it.” Miranda explained. “I see. I wouldn’t have blamed you for this and I’m sure the others wouldn’t have. I’d just like to say, it’s probably best if you don’t mention this to Noah.” Shepard said, leaving the office. “So, you’re Jack, huh?” Noah said, standing in Jack’s part of the ship. “Yep. So who are you, exactly? Specimen whatever isn’t going to cut it with me.” Jack said, lying on her bed. “Well, I don’t know my real name, but I decided Noah sounded pretty good.” Noah said. “It’s not too bad. So, what type of experiments were they running over there? I heard they replaced parts of you with machinery.” Jack said, sitting up. “Something like that. I’m not hiding anything.” Noah said, putting his arms out. “It can’t be too bad if you’re as cheery as this.” Jack said, turning around. “Oh shit.” She said, looking him over. “I know, I look pretty damn good.” Noah said, laughing. “Really, though, I don’t feel a thing over this. Like, it’s not even a feeling.” He added. “They really must have screwed you up if you don’t feel anything over that.” Jack said, slightly disgusted. “Yeah, that’s one word for it. Garrus said that you and Miranda had some sort of disagreement What was that about?” Noah asked. “Oh, that. It was just an argument about how Cerberus experimented on me. It was no big deal.” Jack said, dismissively. “How do those feel?” She asked, gesturing at Noah’s arms and legs. “What, the limbs?” Noah asked. Jack nodded. “Well, other than the fact that I can’t actually feel them, no different from normal limbs. It took a bit of time getting used to, but I did. And I didn’t get these put on until about a couple of years ago. I had to get to the right size to get them attached, I guess.” He explained. “Anyway, I wanted to come down and get to know everyone, so what’s your story?” He asked, changing the subject. “That’s... not something I talk about.” Jack said. “Maybe later, when I know you better.” She added. “Sure, I understand. Well, I’m going to go talk to some other people. See you later, Jack.” Noah said, walking upstairs. “So, you’re our new pick up, huh?” Tali asked, looking at Noah. “Yep. Just going around, getting to know people.” Noah said. “Well, it’s good to meet you. My name is Tali’Zorah Vas Normandy.” Tali said. “What’s your name? I don’t think I got it.” She added. “It’s Noah.” Noah said. “At least, now it’s Noah.” He added. “Now? What was it before?” Tali asked. “Specimen 739.” Noah said, crossing his arms. “Specimen? Keelah se’lai. How long were you there for?” Tali asked. “23 years.” Noah said. “How old are you?” Tali asked. “23. I mean, it’s not the worst thing to have happened to me, but it is still pretty shitty.” Noah said. “Keelah se’lai, you’re so young.” Tali said. “You know what kind of mission this is, don’t you?” She asked. “Yeah. I’m fine with it, I guess.” Noah said, shrugging his shoulders. “What was the worst thing to happen to you there, by the way?” Tali asked. “Getting these put on.” Noah said, showing his arms and legs. “It was not a fun experience. I felt it for days afterwards and I couldn’t walk for about a week, let alone pick anything up. I’m alright now.” He said. “I mean, I had to have been alright, or the guards wouldn’t have been happy.” He added, looking away. “What would the guards have done to you?” Tali asked. “Beating me was popular. As was locking me in my room for days at a time with only scarce amounts of food and water throughout. Uh, I kinda blocked out most of it.” Noah explained. “That is horrible.” Tali said, shocked. “I’ve been getting that a lot today.” Noah said, laughing. “But, still. It was. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.” He added. “Even though what they did could be considered torture, I don’t feel any anger over it, I don’t feel anything.” He said. “That can’t be healthy.” Tali said, looking over her console. “Did you have family at that facility?” She asked. “No. My mother left me with them soon after I was born.” Noah said. “But, I did get some messages from someone claiming to be my sister. She said that she got the location from our mother, or her mother, or someone like that.” He added. “Did you ever get back to her?” Tali asked. “Nope. They didn’t let me. There were other specimens there and they all got plenty of messages, but never had the chance to get something out. Mainly because they were worried we’d tell them what was going on. But, even through not getting responses, she kept sending them. Always saying that she understood and that it wasn’t my fault.” Noah said. “That’s really nice. What was her name?” Tali asked. “Heather.” Noah said. “She didn’t specify a last name.” He added. “You should try and talk with her. See about meeting up, maybe on the Citadel.” Tali suggested. “Yeah. That’s a good plan. I’ll need to see Shepard about that. I’ll talk to you later, Tali.” He added, walking to the elevator. “Excuse me, do you know where Shepard is?” Noah asked, approaching Yeoman Chambers. “He’s in his cabin. Do you want me to tell him you’re coming up?” She asked. Noah nodded. “Commander Shepard, our new recruit wishes to speak to you.” She said into an intercom. “Send him up.” A reply came back. “Thanks.” Noah, said, turning to the elevator. “Noah, what can I do for you?” Shepard asked, looking over at Noah. “First of all, I’m ready to go when you are. Second, I wanted to see if it was possible to look for something else when we got there.” Noah said. “That depends, what is it?” Shepard asked. “My sister, or at the very least, someone claiming to be my sister, sent me messages while I was at the facility. I’d like to be able to get a way of contacting her back.” Noah explained. “Yeah, sure. You do know where you’d find that, right?” Shepard asked. “Yeah, don’t worry. Just need to find my room and my computer.” Noah said. “OK. Let’s go.” Shepard said, standing up. “Go where?” Noah asked. “Back to the facility. I’m ready to go.” Shepard said. “Oh. Well, thanks. I appreciate it.” Noah said, entering the elevator with Shepard. “It will take a while to get there, so go down to the observation deck and just do whatever.” Shepard said. “So, why is it you’re going back to that facility again?” Kasumi asked, as Noah made himself a drink at the bar. “Well, mainly it’s trying to find out what they did to me, other than the arms and legs. Because I know they did more to me than that.” Noah explained. “Now, how sure of that are you? Because, and I mean no offence, you could just be paranoid.” Kasumi said. “That’s a distinct possibility.” Noah said, shrugging. “But, it’s better to be safe than sorry.” He added, taking a drink. “And the other reason is because I want to be able to contact my sister.” He added. “What does the facility have to do with your sister?” Kasumi asked. “She used to send me messages. It started about 5 years ago. But I could never reply because they thought I’d just tell her how the facility was and what they were doing.” Noah explained. “Y’know, even though I never replied, she never stopped. The last message I got was about a week before Shepard picked me up.” He explained. “I wish I had someone that dedicated in my #life.” Kasumi said. “Did she ever find out your real name from your mother?” She asked. “Nope. And she never called me Specimen 739, either. She called me a different name every message. Like Andrew, or Billy, or one I liked the sound of, Noah.” Noah explained. “So that’s why you picked that name.” Kasumi said. “Yeah. And now I’m hoping to be able to meet her somewhere. Assuming she does.” Noah said. “I mean, I didn’t even really think of the idea. It was Tali.” He explained. “That is a good idea. You should really look into that. It’d be good to have someone like that in your #life.” Kasumi said. “And she will want to see you. Think about it, she spent that long sending you messages that weren’t replied to and that didn’t discourage her. Go for it.” She added, putting a hand on Noah’s shoulder, which caused him to flinch. “Are you alright?” She asked, removing her hand. “Yeah. It’s just... I don’t really like being touched. It’s not a big deal.” Noah said. “Anyway, I’m just not sure what to actually say to her.” He added, trying to change the subject. “You can cross that bridge when you get to it.” Kasumi said. “Oh, and sorry about touching you.” She added. “Ah, it’s not a problem. And yeah, I probably will. I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later.” Noah said, leaving the room. “Right, we’re here. What weapons do you want?” Shepard asked. “Uh, what have you got?” Noah asked. “We’ve got shotguns, SMGs, heavy pistols, assault rifles and sniper rifles. I’m not going into specifics, you can pick for yourself.” Shepard said. “Wait. Why are we bringing guns? Aren’t we just looking for some files?” Noah asked. “Yeah, but this is Shepard we’re talking about. Nothing ever goes to plan with him.” Miranda said. “I resent that remark.” Shepard said, glancing over at Miranda. “Doesn’t mean it’s not true.” Miranda said, shrugging. “Alright then. Guess I’ll take a shotgun and an SMG. Doesn’t matter which, I guess.” Noah said, picking up a random SMG and a random shotgun. “Let’s get going.” He said, getting into the shuttle. “So, what exactly are you expecting to find in here?” Miranda asked. “Two things, first of all, medical information.” Noah said. “You know, to find out what they really did to me.” He added. “Right, you mean other than the obvious?” Miranda asked. “Yeah. I don’t think they’d just give me new arms, legs and eyes.” Noah said. “And what’s the second thing?” Miranda asked. “Well, I don’t quite feel comfortable saying this, but I was contacted several times in the facility by my sister. Or at least, someone claiming to be her. I wasn’t able to respond, so I was hoping to find something that leads me to her.” Noah explained, looking down. “Say no more. I understand.” Miranda said. “What do you want to get first?” She asked. “I’m kinda leaning towards being able to talk to my sister first. Just to know I have it.” Noah said. “Understood. I just have to make sure here, but you do have a rough idea where you’d get that info, right?” Miranda asked. “Of course. It should just be on my computer.” Noah said. “Right, we’re here. Let’s go.” Shepard said, leaving the shuttle. “Ah, Commander Shepard. What a nice surprise.” The scientist who greeted them before said. “What can I do for you?” He asked. “First of all, Byrd, I need to get something from my old room.” Noah said, stepping in front of Shepard. “I’m afraid you can’t.” Byrd said. “We’ve cleared everything out. But, you can claim what was there at security.” He added. “Damn it. Do you still have logs of messages sent to specimens here?” Noah asked. “Of course. Why do you ask?” Byrd asked. “I need to see them. I need to get a name from them.” Noah said. “We can’t give those out for security reasons.” Byrd said. “Right. Right. I see.” Noah said, pacing. “What else can I do for you?” Byrd asked. “Medical records.” Noah stated. “And I don’t just mean past 6 months or whatever, I mean all of it.” He added. “We have them, but again, we can’t give those out for security reasons.” Byrd said. “I don’t think you quite understand how much pain I’ve experienced through my 23 years of being here. All I’m asking is for you to give me a list of what you’ve done to me. That’s simple enough, right?” Noah asked. “What do you think I’m going to do? Leak them to someone? I’d have nothing to gain from doing that.” He added. “Look, I don’t know what you want me to do. I’ll lose my job if I do it.” Byrd said, pleading. “Oh, so you can continue torturing people? Experimenting on them? All in the name of efficiency?” Noah asked, getting in the face of Byrd. “Right, I’m pulling rank here.” Miranda said. Noah glared at her. “Byrd, show him the medical records. That is an order, not a request.” She added. Noah looked back at Byrd. “Also, bring up the message logs.” She added, looking at Noah. “Right away, Miss Lawson.” Byrd said, begrudgingly. He walked away. “Thanks for that. I thought you were going to tell me to back off for a second there.” Noah said, stepping back to Shepard. “No, you deserve answers.” Miranda said. “Besides, I’m pretty sure you’d just hate me if I did do that.” She added “Right, here are the message logs.” Byrd said, handing a datapad over to Noah. Noah glanced over it and put it away. “And if you’ll come with me, I’ll show you your medical records.” Byrd said, walking to a different room. Noah looked over at Shepard and shrugged, following Byrd. “First of all, this list is rather extensive, so I can either give you it on a datapad or show you myself.” He said, holding out a datapad. “Give me the datapad.” Noah said. “Less time I spend here, the better.” “Alright then.” Byrd said, handing the datapad over. “Second thing, there is something that we were doing to you that we never finished. Mainly because Commander Shepard showed up. We can finish it now. It wouldn’t take too long.” He said. “Stop being obtuse. What were you going to do?” Noah asked, rolling his eyes. “Well, it’s complicated. We were going to do work on your brain to make you be able to process information faster and make decisions faster.” Byrd said. “What are you, insane?” Noah asked, incredulous. “You really think I’m going to let you operate on my brain, just to make me think a little bit faster?” He asked. “Screw this, I’m leaving.” He added, standing up. “I’m afraid that’s no longer an option, 739.” Byrd said, stoically. “What did you just call me?” Noah asked, turning to face Byrd. “739.” Byrd said, pressing a stun gun to Noah’s body. “Now, comply or I’ll be forced to do something neither of us want.” He threatened. “Again, screw you. I’m leaving and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” Noah said, angered. Byrd pulled the trigger, activating the stun gun. Noah collapsed to the ground. “I tried warning you.” Byrd said, radioing for security, and dragging Noah into a nearby elevator. “What’s taking him so long?” Shepard asked, sitting on a bench in the lobby. “Probably going through the list one at a time.” Miranda said. “Well, he better hurry up. This place is starting to depress me.” Shepard said. “Wait, what’s going on over there?” He asked, looking over at a security team approach the door Noah and Byrd entered. “Why are they suddenly guarding that door? And wasn’t that the door Noah went through?” He asked. “Yeah, it was. Let’s go find out.” Miranda said, standing up. “Hey, what’s going on here?” Shepard asked, approaching the guard. “None of your business. Now, this area is restricted to staff members only. I’ll have to ask you to step back.” The guard said. “I’m Cerberus. Let us in.” Miranda said, folding her arms. “Staff members of this facility. You don’t work here. Again, I’m going to have to ask you to step back.” The guard said. “This just isn’t your day, is it?” Shepard asked. “What do you mean?” The guard asked, confused, looking over at Shepard, who had his gun drawn and pointed at the guard’s face. “I mean, this.” Shepard said. “Our friend is in there. So either you let us know what’s happening in there or this gets really messy for you.” He added. The guard sighed, and picked up his radio. “This is Guard 203, we have an incident at Dr Byrd’s office, all units on this location.” The guard said, drawing his weapon with his other hand. “I knew something like this was going to happen.” Miranda said, drawing her SMG and getting to cover. “That could’ve gone better, I will admit.” Shepard said, getting behind cover. “Maybe you shouldn’t have pointed your gun at him.” Miranda said. “Well, that’s a lesson learned. What do you think they’re doing to him?” Shepard asked. “I couldn’t even begin to guess. But, it can’t be good if they brought armed guards to guard the room.” Miranda said, moving out of cover to fire at the guards. “Yeah, let’s not waste time.” Shepard said, coming out of cover to charge at a guard. “What the hell are you going to do with me?” Noah asked, struggling against his restraints. “Well, I may have misled you when I said I was going to work on your brain. We’ve already done it. It’s just been laying dormant for now. Until we finally decide to activate it. Now, you may feel some pain.” Dr Byrd said, turning to a computer. “Wh-what are you going to do with me?” Noah repeated. “Like I said, making you more efficient. We’ve kept you here for close to 30 years. We want to make sure you’re in tip top shape before we potentially lose you forever.” Dr Byrd said. “Now, like I said, this may sting a bit.” He added, typing something in on his computer. “What’s going to hurt?” Noah asked, before seizing in pain. “What the hell did you just do?” He asked, voice holding back pain. “If you must know, it’s some machinery we’ve put inside you. It’s just starting up and will soon be making you work much, much better.” Byrd said, calmly. “And hopefully, protect you from our worst fears.” He added, to himself. “You bastard.” Noah spluttered. “I will kill you.” He added, before passing out from the pain. Shepard charged to a guard and grabbed hold of him. “Where is Dr Byrd and where is he keeping Noah?” He asked. “In the operating theatre on floor 4.” The guard wheezed. Shepard dropped him and got into the elevator, with Miranda following close behind. “Floor 4. Let’s hope we get to him before they do anything too serious.” Shepard said, pressing the button for the 4th floor. The elevator ascended slowly. “Of course. What is it with me and elevators being slow?” He asked. “I take it this is a recurring thing with you?” Miranda asked. “Yeah. The elevators on the Citadel were so slow. We’d have time to talk about whatever in a ride.” Shepard said. The elevator opened on the 4th floor. “Now, where is the operating theatre?” Shepard asked, looking around. Miranda stepped out and looked around. “It’s over here.” She said, pointing around the corner. Shepard ran towards it and kicked the door open. “Stop what you’re doing!” He shouted, pointing his gun at Dr Byrd. “Ah, Commander. You’re just in time.” Dr Byrd said, calmly. “What do you mean?” Shepard asked, Miranda coming in behind him, weapon drawn. “I mean this.” Dr Byrd said, pointing to the operating table with Noah strapped to it, unconscious. “I’ve modified his brain, a signal blocker. One for his brain, one for his heart. Don’t ask me why I put this in. But you’ll figure out soon. He can also process things faster. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.” He added, looking at Shepard with a smirk. “You’re lucky I don’t kill you right here.” Shepard said, disgusted. “Miranda, unstrap Noah and bring him back to the shuttle.” He added, looking over the room. “Gladly.” Miranda said, putting her gun away and approaching Noah. “Noah? You’ve given him a name?” Byrd asked. Shepard walked up to Byrd and punched him, dropping him to the floor. Shepard bent down to Byrd. “Just be quiet. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.” Shepard said. Shepard helped Miranda carry Noah back onto the shuttle. “That could’ve gone better.” Shepard said, sitting down in the shuttle. “You’re telling me. We should’ve went in there with him.” Miranda said. “And what did he do that was going to help him process information faster?” She asked. “And signal blocker? What the hell is that?” She added “We couldn’t have predicted that something like that was going to happen. You shouldn’t beat yourself up about it. And who knows, they gave him Geth limbs, so who knows how much farther they’d go?” Shepard asked. “He’s still not woken up yet.” Miranda said. “We should get him to Dr Chakwas.” She added. “Yeah. It shouldn’t be too bad. He was just put under for an operation. Either way, Chakwas can tell us the damage.” Shepard said. Shepard carried Noah through the ship to the medical bay and laid him down on a bed. “What happened?” Dr Chakwas asked. “We went back to the facility, one of the doctors was giving him information on what they did to him before, then I guess he took him to another room to operate on him.” Shepard explained. “The doctor said he was modifying his brain to make him process information faster.” He added. “That isn’t good, there doesn’t appear to be any scars on him.” Chakwas said. “If he was just put under, it shouldn’t be too long until he comes back, but his vitals are dropping pretty quickly.” She added. “What? Can you do anything?” Shepard asked. “Yes, but it will take some time.” Chakwas said. “Right. I’ll leave you to it then.” Shepard said, leaving the medical bay. Remembering something, he turned back. “He got a datapad with contact details from someone who could be his sister. Do you mind if I get that real quick?” He asked. Chakwas looked through his pockets until she found two datapads. “Hmm, give me both of them. I’ll give them back later.” He said. “Sure.” Chakwas said, handing them to him. “What happened down there?” Garrus asked Shepard as he walked into the mess hall. “It was a mess. The doctor led Noah away, we didn’t follow him, because we didn’t think it’d end up like that. I stuck my gun in a guard’s face.” Shepard said. “Typical. Let me guess, they didn’t take too kindly to that and started a fight with you?” Garrus asked. “Yeah, pretty much. Then Miranda and I shot through the place and got up to where he was keeping Noah, then we got him back.” Shepard said. “Damn. That’s too bad. Kid doesn’t seem to be having the best of lives.” Garrus said. “That he doesn’t.” Shepard said. “Here’s hoping that thing with his sister comes through. He deserves someone in his #life who cares about him.” Garrus said. “How are you feeling about our chances with the Collectors?” He asked. “Honestly? I think we can do it. We just need these two other people, Thane and Samara.” Shepard said. “Then, we should be good to go. It’s all down to them.” He added. “The upgrades you’ve given the ship aren’t too shabby. Should give us a good advantage.” Garrus said. “Yeah. Well, they better. I don’t want to get spaced again.” Shepard said, laughing. “I don’t think Cerberus are going to get you back this time. Especially not in the Collector home world.” Garrus said. “You’re really not making me feel any better about this, Garrus.” Shepard said, dryly. “Well, sorry about that.” Garrus said. “I’m heading back to the battery.” He added, getting up to leave. Shepard stood up and went to the port observation deck. “Hello, Shepard.” Kasumi said, sitting on the couch. “What can I do for you?” She asked. “Did Noah have a computer in here?” Shepard asked, looking around. “Yeah, why do you ask?” Kasumi asked. “I was hoping to use it for a second, while I was down here. I got the contact details for his sister. And I was hoping to talk to her and let her know what’s happened.” Shepard explained. “Just in case something goes wrong for him.” He added. “I saw him on a bed in the medical bay and I heard about what happened. Poor guy just can’t catch a break.” Kasumi said. “And this is just me speaking, but if I were you, I wouldn’t send anything to his sister. This is something he has to do for himself. But, I would send something if something goes wrong, not just in case.” She added “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll leave it for now. But, can I leave these datapads with you, then? One’s got the details on his sister, the other’s got details on his medical history” Shepard said, bringing out the two datapads. “Of course. Just leave them on the desk.” Kasumi said. “Alright, that’s all I had. We’ll talk later.” Shepard said, leaving the room Shepard fell asleep in his cabin and woke hours later to a call from Dr Chakwas. “Commander?” Chakwas asked. “What is it, Chakwas?” Shepard asked, rubbing his eyes. “There seems to be a problem with Noah.” Chakwas said. “What kind of problem?” Shepard asked. “Well, he doesn’t seem to be waking up from the anaesthetic. It definitely should’ve worn off by now. And his vitals are still pretty low. I’m doing all I can, but it seems he’s in a coma.” Chakwas explained. “All I can do right now is stabilise him and see what happens.” She said. “Do that. Tell me when something else happens.” Shepard said. “Right. I’ll come back to you later, then.” Chakwas said. Two weeks later “Commander, he’s waking up.” Chakwas said in a call to Shepard. “Right, I’ll be straight down.” Shepard said, getting into the elevator. Shepard walked into the medical bay to see Miranda and Kasumi standing next to his bed. “Well, this is quite the reception.” Noah said, sitting up. “Especially for what, the few hours I was out for?” He asked. “It wasn’t a few hours.” Miranda said, folding her arms. “It wasn’t? How long was it then?” Noah asked. “Two weeks.” Kasumi said. “Damn, really?” Noah asked, looking concerned. “My head hurts. But, I don’t hear those voices any more, so there’s a plus.” Noah said, rubbing his head. “I miss anything?” He asked. “Your head hurting is understandable, considering Dr Byrd operated on it.” Shepard said. “And no, you didn’t. We’re still trying to get some real leads on Thane and Samara. We’re on Illium, by the way.” He added. “He didn’t operate on it. At least, not when we were back there, he didn’t.” Noah said. “What do you mean?” Shepard asked. “He said he did it prior to you picking me up. That it had been laying dormant because they couldn’t get it activated in time because of you.” Noah said. “He typed something up on his computer, then I just felt this white hot pain.” He explained. “Then, I woke up here.” He added. “So, you don’t know what it actually does besides supposedly blocking some kind of mystery signal and making you process information faster?” Miranda asked. “Yeah. But, even then, I don’t know how. He claimed he did work on my brain, but I don’t know what. He gave me a datapad with a list of what he’s done overall to me. It was in my pocket.” Noah said. “Oh, I’ve got it.” Kasumi said, taking the datapad out of her pocket. “Why, though?” Noah asked, confused. “Shepard gave me it. He said he was going to look over it, but then he realised that that was something you should do yourself. I, however, made no promises.” Kasumi explained, handing over the datapad. “It made good reading, morbid as it was.” She added. “Alright then. I guess.” Noah said, shrugging. “Right, let’s see here.” He said, scrolling through the datapad. “I know you’re looking for something specific, but shouldn’t you do more than just skim?” Miranda asked. “No, I’m taking it all in.” Noah said. “Probably what he meant by processing information faster.” He added. “Right, here it is. All it says is modification of my brain was done about a year ago.” He added, putting the datapad down. “That doesn’t tell me anything. He also says there’s a transmitter in me. That must have been the voices I was hearing. It’s off now, though. So again, that’s a plus.” He added. “I take it you have that other datapad, Kasumi?” He asked, looking over at her. “Yeah, right here.” Kasumi said, bringing it out of her pocket. “I didn’t look through this one, though. I promise you that.” She added. “Well, I appreciate that.” Noah said, holding the datapad. ”Hey, Chakwas, can I leave here now, or do you still have some more tests to run, or whatever?” He asked. “No, no, you’re good to go.” Chakwas replied, turning from her work. “Thanks. I’ve got something to do.” Noah said, standing up. Shepard walked into the port observation deck to find Noah sitting at a computer looking lost, with Kasumi standing over him. “What’s going on here?” Shepard asked. “Noah here is trying to write a message to his sister. But, he doesn’t know what to write.” Kasumi explained. “I mean, I know the gist of it, but considering how much she’s written to me without so much as a reply back, I think I should put in more.” Noah explained. “Do you know why Noah called himself Noah, Shepard?” Kasumi asked. “No, he just said there was something about the name that he liked.” Shepard said, confused. “Why? What was it?” He asked. “My sister refused to call me Specimen 739. She’d just call me various names she could think of. Like one time it’d be Bruce, another time it’d be Andrew, or the one I liked the most, Noah.” Noah explained. “I see. That could be a thing to open with. Say that she’s had such an effect on you with that.” Shepard said. Noah nodded and started typing. “Maybe also explain why you weren’t able to contact her.” Kasumi suggested. “Give her some peace of mind that you weren’t just ignoring her.” She added. Noah nodded again and continued typing. “You see, I want to be able to meet her, but I think that bringing that up right away is a bit too soon. And even then, I don’t know how to bring it up.” Noah said. “Like, I can’t just ask to meet up on the Citadel. Can I?” He asked. “Not really. Hang on. Move, this requires a woman’s touch.” Kasumi said, leaning over Noah, causing Noah to stand up and Kasumi to sit down. Kasumi started typing,. Noah leaned over to look at the screen. “Huh, yeah, that’s pretty good. Noah said, as Kasumi finished. Thanks for that.” Noah said, sending the message. “Now, I play the waiting game.” He said standing up. “What are we doing now? Illium? You need me at all for anything?” He asked, turning to Shepard. “Yeah, but right now, I need to see you in action with a weapon before anything else. We’ve got a shooting range down in cargo. Come down in 10 minutes, I want to see how you do.” Shepard said, leaving the room. “Alright then.” Noah said. “Thinking about it, I’ve not actually fired any weapon before. I may be terrible at it. My only real skill is working with any form of technology.” He added, looking at Kasumi. “Couldn’t you just think of firing a gun as working with a form of technology?” Kasumi asked, almost sarcastically. “That’s just semantics. That’s like saying I can fly a ship perfectly because that’s just a form of technology.” Noah said. “I don’t like guns that much. I prefer making things or working with computers. I can cloak myself. I built a cloaking device at that facility. It’s pretty badass. I can also hack synthetics. They made sure I could do that one. And with this omni-tool,” Noah said, bringing his omni-tool up, “I can straight up burn people.” He added. “The point is, I can only work with what I know. And I don’t know guns.” He added. “But, what can I say? I’m a fast learner.” He added. “I never knew you were so humble.” Kasumi said, sarcastically. “Well, as much as I hate the scientists at that facility, I have to admit, they did a good job on me.” Noah said. “I’m heading out. See you later, Kasumi.” He added, leaving the room. “Right, so we’re here to test your weapon skills. We’ve got an assortment of weapons here. Pick whatever and press that button to start the range.” Shepard said. “I’ve got something to tell you.” Noah said, looking over the weapons. “I don’t know the first thing about firing a gun. I never had any interaction with them at the facility. I was only taught tech stuff. I might be terrible at this.” He said. “That doesn’t matter. We’ll find something for you, even if it is just a pistol. And who knows, you might surprise yourself.” Shepard said. “Alright.” Noah said, breathing deeply. “I can do this.” He said to himself. Noah picked up an SMG. “The Kassa Fabrications Mark 12 Locust. A criminal’s weapon.” He said, looking over the SMG. Shepard gave a confused look. “I thought you barely had any interactions with guns.” Shepard said. “Yeah, but I’ve researched them. Besides, this is a pretty famous gun.” Noah asked. “Killed two presidents, didn’t it?” He asked. “That’s right. Now, press the button and we can get started.” Shepard said. Noah pressed the button and fired at the targets that came along. “How’d I do?” Noah asked, when the round was done. “Fairly good. I’ve seen better. How does it feel?” Shepard asked. “Better than I was expecting. I think I could get used to it.” Noah said, feeling the weight of the Locust. “Right. Pick something else.” Shepard said. “I’ll take this.” Noah said, picking up a shotgun. “The Eviscerator, I believe it’s called.” He said, looking over it. “You got that right. Press the button.” Shepard said. Noah pressed the button and waited for the targets to get closer before firing. “Felt better than the last round. How’d I do?” Noah asked, putting the shotgun down. “Yeah, that was definitely better. So, you feel comfortable with an SMG and a shotgun?” Shepard asked. “Yeah, feels good. Who are you going for first, Thane or Samara?” Noah asked. “Depends on who we find intel on first.” Shepard said. “I think I could help with that. Hack into some things, find things out.” Noah said. “I take it you want to come down?” Shepard asked. “I was going to make you stay in the ship until I knew you were 100%, but you don’t seem to be suffering any negative effects.” He added. “Yeah, it’s a win-win, you get info, I get to stretch my legs.” Noah said. “Let’s get going, then.” Shepard said, stepping into the elevator. “Who else is coming?” Noah asked, following Shepard. “I don’t know. I may just pick someone at random. Do you have a suggestion?” Shepard asked. “Not really. Besides, your ship, your rules.” Noah said. “Just looking for some input.” Shepard said. “Huh, this wasn’t the place I was imagining it to be.” Noah said, looking around. “How did you imagine it, exactly?” Jack asked, glancing at Noah. “Something other than this.” Noah said. “Are you Commander Shepard?” An Asari asked, approaching Shepard. “Yes, is there any trouble?” Shepard asked. “No trouble, Liara T’soni has requested you see her in her office.” The Asari said. Shepard looked pained for a second. “Oh, friend of yours, Shepard?” Noah asked. “You could say that.” Shepard said, wistfully. “I’ll be right up.” He said. “We better get up there. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve seen Liara.” He said, turning to Jack and Noah. “It’s been a couple of years since you’ve seen most people, I’d say.” Noah said. “Y’know, what with you being dead.” He added, sardonically. “You say that, but I’ve met everyone from the old crew.” Shepard said. “Except for Ashley.” He added, solemnly. “Who’s Ashley?” Noah asked. “An old squad mate. She died on Virmire. Sacrificed herself so we could destroy a Krogan breeding facility.” Shepard said. “Damn. A noble end, it seems.” Noah said, lost for words. “Then, we went to Horizon. We found the one I chose to save, Kaidan Alenko.” Shepard said. “Wait, you had to choose between two people?” Noah asked. “Damn. That must have been a hard choice to make. What happened on Horizon?” He asked. “He couldn’t see past the fact that I was “working” for Cerberus.” Shepard explained. “Didn’t want to come with us. Said he was an Alliance soldier and that he could never trust Cerberus.” He added. “Anyway, let’s get going. Don’t want to keep Liara waiting.” He said, clearing his head. “Ah, Commander Shepard.” An Asari said, standing from her chair. “Liara will be pleased to see you.” She added. “So, you’re Liara’s assistant?” Shepard asked. “Yes. Liara relies upon me to acquire useful intelligence. I may not have her network of contacts, but I supply her with supplemental data.” The Asari said. “It really is an honour to work with her.” She added. “Should I just head in?” Shepard asked. “Of course, Commander.” The Asari said, sitting back down. “Though, I would wait a minute, she is in a call with someone.” She added. Shepard waited for a while. “You should be good now, Commander.” She said. Shepard walked into Liara’s office. “Bruce. It’s good to see you.” Liara said, turning to face Shepard. “It’s good to see you too, Liara.” Shepard said, stepping up to hug Liara. “Wait, Bruce?” Noah asked. “Your name is Bruce?” He asked. “Yeah, what did you think it was?” Shepard asked. “Uh... Shepard.” Noah said, rubbing the back of his head. Jack coughed to stifle a laugh. Liara looked up at Shepard and kissed him. She gently pressed her head into Shepard’s chest and stayed like that, eyes closed. “So, I heard you were one of the ones who helped Shepard stop Saren Arterius from bringing forth the Reapers.” Noah said, breaking the silence in the room. Liara lifted her head as gently as she placed it. “Yes, you could say that.” Liara said. “It was quite a journey, was it not?” She asked, looking at Shepard, who nodded. “A mission of that magnitude can really bring people together, y’know? I mean, I’ve seen how Garrus and Shepard act towards each other. It’s like they’ve been best friends for years.” Noah said. “You can say that again. You know, I have heard of you.” Liara said. “No kidding.” Noah said, confused. “I’ve had some information fall my way.” Liara said. “What kind of information?” Noah asked, folding his arms. “I know you were known as Specimen 739 and that you don’t have a real name.” Liara said. Noah looked away. “But, I know that causes deep pain with you.” She added. “I prefer to be known as Noah.” Noah said, calmly. “What else do you have on me?” He asked. “I know that Cerberus wish to reclaim you after this is all said and done.” Liara said. “Reclaim me?” Noah asked. “As in, take me back to one of their labs so I can get experimented on again?” He asked, panicking slightly. “It seems that way.” Liara said, calmly. Noah thought for a second before stepping away. “I understand you’re looking for some people.” She added, looking back at Shepard. “You just going to ignore that?” Jack asked, glancing at Noah, who was pacing back and forth. “There’s not much I can do about it.” Liara said, shrugging. “As I was saying, you’re looking for some people.” She added, as Jack walked over to Noah. “Yeah. An assassin named Thane Krios and an Asari Justicar named Samara.” Shepard said. “Thane arrived a few days ago. Looking for someone named Nassana Dantius.” Liara explained. “You should talk with someone named Seryna. Thane contacted her.” She added. “Nassana Dantius. Why do I recognise that name?” Shepard asked. “She was an Asari diplomatic emissary. We helped her one time, we were supposed to save her sister from pirates, but it turned out she was their leader.” Liara explained. “Oh yeah. Now I remember.” Shepard said. “I take it someone wants her dead?” Shepard asked, rhetorically. “Samara, she arrived recently. She registered with Officer Dara. That should help. That’s all I’ve got.” Liara said. “Thanks. It helps.” Shepard said. “I... I missed you.” He added, moving closer to Liara. “I missed you too.” Liara said, hugging Shepard. “Believe me, I’d love to come with you, but I’m tracking down the Shadow Broker.” She added. “Don’t worry about it. Kaidan and Wrex aren’t coming with me either.” Shepard said. “Why’s that?” Liara asked. “Kaidan doesn’t trust me and Wrex is the leader of Clan Urdnot. So he can’t come with me. You should’ve seen how happy Wrex was when he saw me.” Shepard said. “Really? Wouldn’t have expected that from him. I shouldn’t keep you. I’ll see you later. Probably.” Liara said. “So, who are we recruiting first?” Noah asked. “I like the sound of this assassin. He sounds like a barrel of laughs.” He added. “Yeah. May as well. I was thinking of recruiting Samara, but Thane might not stick around after he’s killed his target.” Shepard said. “I didn’t even think of that. Do we even know where he is, though?” Noah asked. “Not fully, but this Seryna should help.” Shepard said. “Do you even know where she is?” Noah asked. “Of course.” Shepard said, bluntly. “And you have history with the person he’s going to assassinate?” Jack asked. “Small galaxy.” She added. “Are you going to have some heartfelt reunion with her or is this going to end in a gunfight?” Noah asked. “If there’s an assassin after her, she more than likely has guards, so it’ll probably end in a gunfight either way.” Shepard said. “Nothing’s ever that simple with me, Noah.” He added. “Oh, you got that right.” Noah said. “I’m still surprised you managed to start something when you were picking me up.” Jack said. “Why were you surprised?” Noah asked. “I was on a prison ship when Shepard was coming to recruit me.” Jack said. “Shepard, what did you do?” Noah asked, sarcastically. “That one wasn’t on me. The warden decided I was too valuable to let go.” Shepard said. “So you decided you weren’t having any of that and just started killing people?” Noah asked. “Well, they were corrupt.” Shepard said. “Fair enough, I guess.” Noah said. “What were you on a prison ship for?” He asked, looking at Jack. “Many things. I’m not too sure what one led me to the ship.” Jack said. “I became a pirate. I destroyed a space station, and I committed some vandalism.” She added. “Vandalism? That seems... less extreme than destruction of a space station and piracy.” Noah asked, confused. “Hey, don’t blame me, blame the Hanar. That’s what they call it when you crash that space station I mentioned into one of their moons.” Jack said. “That’s... that’s quite the accomplishment.” Noah said, stifling a laugh. “Yeah, I try.” Jack said. “What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done at that facility? There’s no way you stayed for as long as you did without trying something.” She asked. “Uh. I turned off their defence system one time.” Noah said, thinking. “Or rather, I turned their defence system against them. Messed around with their targeting parameters. I killed a lot of guards that day.” He added, somewhat proudly. “The punishment for that must have been brutal.” Jack said. “Oh, it was. I got taken into another room by some guards and I just got the crap beaten out of me. Left me in the medical office for a couple of weeks.” Noah said. “Hang on a second, I think this is Seryna.” Shepard said, looking at an Asari sitting at a desk. “Cool, you go deal with that.” Noah said, walking away with Jack following. “Hell of a view here, isn’t it?” He said, looking over a railing. “You can say that again.” Jack said. “I have to ask you something.” She added, deliberating. “Sure, what is it?” Noah asked. “I’d rather not say now, but can you meet me on the ship after this is done?” Jack asked. “Yeah, sure.” Noah said. “What do you think of all this with the Collectors?” He asked. “I’ve seen them. Wasn’t pretty.” Jack said. “I think this mission to stop them is suicide.” She added. "Absolutely, but there’s something about Shepard that makes me feel like we could win this.” Noah said. “He’s just got that kinda vibe like he knows exactly what he’s doing at all times. I trust him, to an extent.” He added. “What do you mean, to an extent?” Jack asked. “Well, there’s still some things I wouldn’t feel right doing if he told me to. Like, if he told me to murder someone, with no real evidence, I’d have to say no.” Noah explained. “I guess.” Jack said. “I tend not to trust people until they give me a reason to.” She added. “Yeah, you seem the type.” Noah said. “What are you going to do when this is all over?” He asked. “Assuming we don’t all die in some blaze of glory.” He added. “Huh. I’m not sure. I haven’t really thought about it. Probably go back to what I used to do. How about you?” Jack asked. “I don’t know. Hell, I barely know what #life is like outside of that facility. I’ll probably do something on the Citadel.” Noah said. “Sounds like a good plan.” Jack said. Shepard walked over. “Seryna told me where we need to go. Dantius Towers.” Shepard said. “Alright. Let’s get going then.” Noah said, joining Shepard. “From what I’ve been told, Nassana is getting paranoid. Understandable considering her line of work. And what she does. She’s gotten into the habit of assassinating business rivals.” Shepard said, standing outside of tower two. “What is our plan here? Storm the place?” Noah asked. “No, we need to get up to the penthouse of tower one. But, we more than likely will face some resistance.” Shepard said. “Well, let’s not waste any more time.” Noah said. Shepard opened the door at the top of the tower one penthouse, causing the mercenaries inside to face him with their weapons drawn. “Shepard? But you’re dead?” An Asari said, turning around. “I got better.” Shepard said, stepping forward. “Well, this is ironic. I hired you to kill my sister, and now you’re the one killing me.” Nassana said, sighing. “I’m not here to kill you.” Shepard said. “Impossible. If you’re not here to kill me, then you wouldn’t have rampaged through my buildings. Now, I’m going to ask you this once, who hired you?” Nassana asked. “And I’m going to tell you this once, I’m not here to kill you.” Shepard said. A rumbling in the vents caused the mercenaries to look around. “Check all the other entrances. Now.” Nassana demanded. As soon as the mercenaries moved, someone dropped silently from the vents. Snapping the neck of one mercenary and punching another in the neck. He drew a pistol while advancing towards Nassana, shooting the last mercenary before grabbing Nassana. He put his pistol into her stomach and fired, killing her almost instantly. The man placed Nassana gently on her desk and folded her arms, before praying over her. “I’m going to take a wild guess here and assume you’re Thane Krios.” Shepard said, putting his weapon away. Thane ignored Shepard. “That was impressive.” Noah said. “I apologise, but prayers for the wicked must not be forsaken.” Thane said, standing up. “Do you really think she deserves it?” Shepard asked. “Not for her. For me.” Thane said. “That’s deep.” Noah said. “We’ve been given a mission involving a race known as the Collectors. We were given your name as a possible recruit. I mus

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