Tradurre   7 anni fa

Dad I will never forget the bond we had when I was little. I would dress up as Pocahontas and run around the house at Easter Avenue. I remember that book called Hide and Seek. You would read it to me every weekend, my favourite book. I was devastated when I lost it at school. We'd do so much on the weekends, fun-packed and your home-cooked meals. If we were with you on a school night, I'd look forward to my packed lunch the next day –mum's didn't compare. Dad, you are my hero, I looked up to you for as long as I can remember. But when I turned 15, I started to rebel and I pushed you out. I got jealous of Danielle having the father/daughter relationship we once had, but I know it all changed because of me. I got into drugs, boys, drinking, and wanted to be independent, but I now regret everything from the age of 15 to 25 years old. I've wasted 10 years of a relationship with you. You have still stuck by me no matter what, but it's not been the same. You got me clean, you helped me through a violent relationship, you set me up in a new country to get me a fresh start. You tried to save me again and again. You are now even raising my son. You are my hero and I want my dad back. I will make you proud and I will be the daughter you deserve, the daughter you raised. I love you dad. Thank you for loving me and being here for me. ##poetsin #letter #dad #daughterslove #appreciation #love

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