Translate   13 years ago

The Wisest Words Ever Spoken Unless you are someone who can defy logic or you are one who is in utter denial, you would have to agree, that at the precise moment when anything becomes something, at that very instant when it becomes reality, it becomes what it is or it is what it is. If what ever it is, that will be, has not happened yet, then when it does, it will be, what it will be, because things are what they are, and what never will be, won't be. So, the truest and wisest words that ever was, are, that it is what it is and what isn't, is not. My point is that people need to except reality, you need to absorb every aspect of it, every crevice, every cranny in order to be able to make the proper adjustments. The hardest part is not finding the solution, that's easy, the most difficult part is recognizing your faults.

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