Tradurre   7 anni fa

Deep blue He saw the beauty from the shore A distant damsel all forlorn Lost and stranded upon a rock Calmly combing her long blonde locks He built a boat at lightening speed Jumped in as it entered the sea The salty sea stung his face From saving her he’d not be discouraged As he got close he saw her tail? Yes, that’s right, I said a tail! It shimmered like a scaled fish A mermaid! Do they grant you a wish? He tried to coax her in the boat He tried to tempt her with his coat You’d think she’d rather like this As she was sitting there topless All he got was a mighty splash She dived in and made waves crash Our hero had a change of plan No longer her devoted fan He threw in a net to catch the beast Now calling her a cruel sea witch He hauled her on board Demanded his wish to be a dragons hoard Mermaids don’t grant wishes But this one did grant kisses He quickly took up her offer She turned him into an otter

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