Half Of A Story end Molly turned around. "It's a Unicorn!" She screamed. "Don't be stupid," Betty replied. "Unicorns are mythical creatures." Molly jumped to her surprise before Betty even said her line. The Unicorn stood there still. Molly breathed slowly and walked up to it. She gave it a hug around the neck. "Your the pony daddy bought me, and your a UNICORN!!!" Molly whispered. "I shall call you Twinkle." Betty heard every word. "Twinkle, eh?" She murmured. "Yes! Please turn around and see her!" Molly said once she sat on Twinkle. Before Betty could even blink, Twinkle shot into the clouds like a rocket! "Molly? Where are you?" Betty yelled angrily. Molly was only 7, and she was flying on a Unicorn Pony! "Wow! Twinkle, this is amazing! Your my Magical Pony friend," Molly said feeling magic in her heart. "Close your eyes Molly! And no peaking!" Twinkle said happily. "She can talk!" Thought Molly. Suddenly, Twinkle landed on a cloud. "You can open them now, Molly!" Twinkle said. Molly was speechless! She was in Twinkle's Village... For real!

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