Grandma You never failed to do the care whenever we're there. And I'll never forget the last time we're together... When you stayed beside me, In the middle of the night, Waiting until I fell asleep, Until Mama arrived. Even we only have you every after 2,3 or 4 years, Now that you're gone, Still, you're one of the most caring and loving grandma we had. Thank you for the warm hugs and kisses, For the happy moments, For the tears caused of joy, For the care and love. We're all gonna miss you, Lola. We all know how happy you are to be with Lolo again. This isn't the end of our moments together, Because I know, someday, we're gonna have each other once again. Born: May 1, 1932 Died: September 23, 2017 She's my Dad's Mom. And Sept. 23 is my birthday. I felt so bad for my dad about it.: (
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