Translate   8 years ago

Alone Shark On a warm summers day, In a small local park, On an old wooden bench Sits a withered old shark And I said to the shark With a pen in one hand "Are you looking for land, or a famous landmark?" Then I sat on the bench and the shark said to me "Well that pond by that tree is the place I should be" So I lifted the creature and I started the walk t'wards the parks water feature and continued to talk "With a coin and kind words this pond grants a wish" "All I want is the fish! And for pudding the birds" "Well have you a penny and a nice thing to say?" "I haven't got any I lost it okay!? So I made him an offer he couldn't refuse "I'll give you some money. there's nothing to lose. All I want in return is a portion of fish. for every you eat you'll make me a dish." In a small local park where this story will end he 'came a loan shark and I made a friend

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