übersetzen   8 Jahre

Pokemon Chapter 1 When i woke up i frow my clock out my window and said to my self", wait a minit it has rally came true iam getting my first pokemon, ". So i met my freind out side and we both went for are first pokemon. When we got to the pofesers lab i could not see Riley and Richard because they had to get there pokemon to. So i went looking for them with Jack ,Kleandro and Darjan. Because i helped we went in 3 difrent plases so i found them first. We all went back and we all got to chose from diffrent reagans. So i picked Charmander,Riley got eevee,Jack got Chickorita,Richard got Cyndaquill,Darjan got Pikachu and Kleandro got Rowlet. So when we set off we got 5 pokeballs each. Chapter 2

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