Loyalty When I kissed you, all my sins and past transgressions were forgiven; Upon your lips and nubile hips my sacraments were given; When I saw you, all my woes and cares were fast forgot, For in my green and youthful years, I’d found what agéd sages sought. I showed you to my family, defending you midst any scorn, I gave you offerings so gleefully, even if my shoes were worn, And then one day you showed me signs, evincing all my deepest fears: Staying out and hatching schemes you thought would never reach my ears. I gave you soul and all I got was sour earshot loyalty; I was seen as jester though I treated you as finest royalty; And so, I sewed myself some schemes, using loom of anguish, Slowly watching artful gleams within your eyes to languish. I knew not what you’d done, so I did it all—for karma’s sake— Nor what lies you’d spun, so I did all holy truth forsake, And even though my soul did yearn, to you I did uninterest feign, So all your heart could rive and churn, knowing the taste of when feelings wane. And then I saw you slip, perchance result of all your woes, On my birthday, of all days, you’d leave me for your lustful throes, And so I followed you to catch you midst depraved proclivities, But lo, I found that all your schemes were simply for my own festivities.

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