Translate   7 years ago

Randy mars was a crooked cop precinct 24 randy was Married to Allie mills daughter amilia 5 year old little girl. randy said that she saw Millie jones tossed A match to Arizona mills mall Millie was arrested For the fire when millie was not Evan there that long Millie had to leave to take her daughter to saint Jews Hospital because she had a bad case of cancer she Was dying so Millie and Andrew had a doctor apt. Millie was freed because it was false it was a lie That randy mars made up to make sure that she Went to jail for the fire that was torched by randy Mars. Randy mars is a cop so randy has cop friends That are crooked cops whitey killed some lady for Saying his money was no good at the store because He was mafia killer chief sanders Is the chief of Police in Arizona , randy mars was set free on All charges because he was a cop and had no Criminal record. Randy mar was also told he May never work at a police department because He lie under oat and also if he did try to he is Also be in jail with no parole judge Lars said on The trial hearing may 3 that was randy mars hearing 3 years went by and Sean Clark and randy mars have Been trying to get back at the chief sanders and randy And Sean Clark made a bomb that would kill a school Full of kids and the bombs were attached to the school Bus Orange County school for the handicap, the bus Was taking the kids home and the bus pulled out and Killed 40 girls and 20 boys nobody new where the bomb came from there was a call from randy mars Saying if you ever make a mistake like I can't work For the police again chief sanders I will tell your Wife you were sleeping with a hooker and you better Have my badge on my desk 9 am Monday or I will tell Your pretty Red head wife of yours. Tell her she won't believe you over me any time. And as for you trying To threaten me judge Lars is going to put you away For a long time for threading me and you setting off A bomb and killed a total of sixty handicap kids I can't Prove it but I will as for the threatening. Me about your job busted. It is Monday and chief sanders is calling judge Lars as we speak, can I get him in jail For threatening me well what did he say to you he would tell my wife I had a affair with someone so He said he would tell my wife I had affair did you Yes but he can't say my is back that scares me and my Precinct and I can't tell my wife I love her what do I Do he has been band so he is screwed him self that does that mean he can't come in my precinct Ever or he will go to jail yes. What if randy does it out Of spite, jail time. Sean Clark is going to start the next crime it will be a mistle to kill only all the police Buildings all over the Arizona police departments and Judge Larsen court house crooked cops that will be all Over the court to put bombs in the building so randy Mars can get his job back Jan groups is a big court to Say what happens to randy mars, the trial date is April 25 to see because the threat against chief sander I judge Jan group sentence randy mars to #life without Parole for #life. Attorney Brady is now opened a case Of 60 kids in a bus being killed a bomb was put under the bus to kill the kids. Sam was a crooked cop on the Outside to kill chief sanders wife sam is going to check The house for termites and after that is done Sam the cop is going to kill the chiefs wife and chief Sanders to keep it quiet to whom killed the chief and His wife. Detective gram came to see chief because he did not come to work and gram found chief sanders

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