übersetzen   8 Jahre

The Way Day 7 Oh the things I've seen Inside my own soul That I refuse to reveal At any cost The colorful things The imaginative things The things I want to keep to myself I wanna hide my true self From the world That doesn't know how nourish it Rather than watering my secrets They'll rip them out of their roots And start selling them for cheap They'll misuse my ideas And laugh at my worries They'll embarrass my dreams And shame my stories Pick me out of a line up And say I'm the criminal Attach a name to me And have me wait for dismissal They'll have me raise my hand To plead for my land Then mock my inability To be more assertive When I scream They'll dance me into silence Coarse me into learning Their way But they won't call it obedience To them That's just the way Things Are #beginningline

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