Traducciones   8 años

Caught Lying You have to plan it out Every detail But remember what you said And who you said it to Be careful of your posts Who might see And who they might know It's easier to tell the truth And not have to keep track Not have to worry Worry about slipping up And saying the wrong thing And getting caught It comes at such an innocent moment But what do you do?? ...back-peddal ...hide behind your voice ...speak in broken sentences Try to drive out and exploit something in the other... The truth hurts less than lies The truth can be acceped Lies linger and grow Sometimes knowing Is just enough prove accept deal with it all without having to deal with all the other bullshit Honesty is so scarce And people wonder why they cant find someone to live with... Who would? Whats wrong with you? Whats wrong with me? Where is this rant taking me? I've tried to make it easy for you But you haven't been honest ...and I understand But I can't give in

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