перевести   8 лет назад

School (how It Is For Me) Monday You don't want to leave the bed, sun shinning in through the blinds as you throw back the covers to welcome in the coldness, instantly regretting you let the heat escape. Slowly the day unfolds and you're soon back in bed. Tuesday Almost half way through the week and you are sitting a double lesson in maths next to a person you rather not know. A little voice in your head quitely shouting 'help me'. Wednesday Half way there and people are starting to aggitate you, stealing your pens and paper as you run your hands stressfully through your hair. Thursday You can't be bothered any more, just sitting there like it's nap time again in nuresery. Friday Finally, you're egar to get the day ended, getting sweets to help you through the day, getting caught once or twice still not stoping you as the week finally ends.

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