Traducciones   8 años

Flaming Tongues (Burning Bridges) I've heard it said that the tongue can be as a raging fire Starting off as an eerie ember, igniting a world in its desire for power At any moment it can be provoked into speaking wrath and fury into fragile souls And, quite frankly, there's nothing that can contain it, in disbelief we watch as it unfolds Relationships combust into soot and ash, we breathe in its remains, but it weighs on our lungs as stones And we watch as the bridges, once founded on love and admiration, melt and collapse into the unknown I should know; I have done my fair share of starting destruction with just the flick of that wretched tongue Whispered flames that grew and crawled across interacting worlds (Oh how careless we can be when we are young) Leaving me lost in smoke, and one cannot make amends when they themselves are stumbling for direction But I don't know if I can; too much guilt to properly apologize, especially when I see your expression See that pain and hurt in your eyes, the rawness of the never-healing burns that decorate your damaged heart But I guess that's the thing about fire: it warps everything that you would want to bring back together, every little part Occasionally I can look though a clearing, catch a glimpse into the lives I decided to lose affiliation with And I see that they are happy outside the ruins, and I'm fine at the end of the day being a myth Nothing can last in the full mercy of the fire, so sometimes it's best to remember things as they become: nonexistent I'll say my apologies, but I doubt that they'll ignite into anything, the dead skin of the Earth can be quite resistant I've heard it said that the tongue can be as a raging fire And I am a testament of that, losing sight of the souls I once had admired

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