Translate   8 years ago

? Why? Why not? But why? For SCIENCE! No but why? Just get out! Sometimes my mind thinks in pretty weird ways. I will be working and suddenly I will redesign one of the many random things I had designed in the past. Or stupid stuff will come in like "Flat Earthers, they can't be real, can they?" I even had a debate recently, entirely in my own head about all the sexualities and came to the conclusion of "Phuq it, can the extra labels, we are sexual beings. End of. Pan, poly, bi, A, hetero, homo. Let's just be sexual". But it's the fixations that get me. Do we all have them? You know. That thing (The Thing), the one you can't stop thinking about. I write them down in a good old fashioned book. Don't trust the Internet. Take the opening bit. That came into my head, while eating. Just enjoying the food. Then bang "why?". So I thought I would share. Good night and sweet dreams. What if? ***Added, it was a Melton Pork Pie***

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