Traducciones   7 años

Killed We loved our little village.My father died after I was born, I can't remember anything about him but I love hearing my 5 brothers talk about him. Caleb, Dean and Ash are triplets, Zak and Kyle are twins and I'm the only girl, no twin or anything. I also was a teen mom, my mother supported me the whole way even when my brothers tried talking me out of keeping the baby. I never found the father again after our short time being together. I was returning home after fetching some water from the village well, when I was pulled into a dark street. I dropped the bucket, water splashing everywhere, soaking my dress. A hand clamped over my mouth and two golden eyes stared into my enchanting blue ones. I fell to the side asleep right in their arms. I awoke by a wet cloth on my forehead. I opened my eyes to reveal the golden eyes again, they stared at me in the dark room. It felt like my head was exploding, I screamed as images of my entire family flashed through my head. Images of them ripped apart, their guts yanked out, blood everywhere. I threw up and passed out. I awoke again by a knife slicing my leg. I looked down to find my wrists and ankles restrained. My arms and legs were covered in cuts. The eyes looked at my face, then placed the knife on my stomach. I screamed as loud as my lungs would let me as it went through the skin, drawing blood. I heard shouting from the wall, I looked up to see my family spotlighted. It moved into the light and I saw the face. It was chalk white, bald and covered in scars running down the face. It put the knife to my mothers chest and sliced through it. He put his hand in her chest, pulled out her heart and dropped it on the floor. He stamped on it, crushing it. My brothers shouted as he made his way back to me. I blacked out as he cut me again. When I came round, he was cutting dean on the back. I struggled against the strips of metal and he turned to me stabbing Dean through the neck. He had pinned dean to the wall by a knife in his neck. Caleb and Ash screamed. Tears ran down my face leaving clean stripes on my cheeks. He killed Caleb by beheading him, Ash by yanking his guts out. I threw up each time, it was horrible watching my family die one by one. Zak and Kyle looked so scared. He made his way to them and stabbed them lots in the chest. The last stab killed them. I struggled even more knowing I was next. Then he left. A few hours later, he came in and released me, letting me go. I was surprised, then ran for my #life like hell was chasing me. I went to the police and told them everything. They sent me to the hospital and the doctor checked me then sent me with the police. I took them to the place and watched as they assessed the area. A flash appeared and killed them all, ripping their bodies apart, pulling the organs out, everything. I was last. I felt the knife slide across my neck slowly. I felt his arms holding me as I felt my blood flowing down my porcelain skin onto my dress. I looked up as I was taking my last breaths and recognised the face in full light. It was my baby's father. My eyes closed as I died. My last thought was that I'd found the dad and he was a killer. He killed my family and the police. He killed me then held me in my last moments. Years and years later, a hiker found the building and the bodies. He was killed instantly. Rumours go around the town that the building is cursed. One body was never found but had been killed by the killer. The body was my body. He had buried me in the lovely valley next to it. He put a mini gravestone there as well.. I had always tried to protect my village, I failed as a human and alive. I didn't want to fail and a spirit, I lure people there to find the pile. One person found them and made it out alive. I led him to my little grave and watched him carry my ever beautiful body to the village. They gave everyone a proper burial. I still watch the village hundreds of years later.

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