Translate   8 years ago

Just Stay I'm bound to this bench, but I have no chains; my shoulders give way, but there is no weight Or at least physically there isn't, but if you'd look into my soul you'd find the shackles there great I hear too much, I think too much, so lost in the probabilities that I cannot understand the actualities But I'm aware of that, so am I really lost? My spirit is broken to the point that I may never find stability But you see me, and you decide to come near my way, to offer assistance if needed And I can already tell you the reply, "Oh, it's ok. No big deal, but thanks, it's much appreciated" But please don't leave, I beg of you, if you have the time, just stay The war within rages strong, and you're a welcomed sight in the fray Just sit with me, don't say a word, because I cannot hear you with the voices shouting in my head But if you'd stay long enough, maybe the noise will weaken, revealing the things that need to be said Please don't hug me, please don't hold my hand reassuringly, but above all, please don't leave Because your time isn't being wasted, it helps and relieves, more than you'll ever perceive Though I know that for you to just sit there with me may be assumed as peculiar and strange A person's countenance may tell a story, but it is in the heart that you'll find the change I need to be able to breathe again, to stand again, I'm calling silently for help because I don't know another way So would you please be the one to keep me from being alone in this trying hour, just to be here, just to stay

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