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Wisdom Tree There were once two girls who were a little alike. One was dainty and angelic, a future ballerina one might say, the other was a complete loner with slick, black greasy hair, crooked of nose and #lifeless in the eyes. 13years ago - Two year old Tabatha ( the undesirable one) and two year old Betsy ( the to be princess) were tumbling clumsily down the ferny forest giggling as they chased and got tangled in the roots of hickory brown trees.... But one tree wouldnt let go... A slit opened up near his emerald barnet and two milky eyes blinked. The witch and the princess were shocked into a pregnant silence. The gnarled roots twisted the shocked girls closer to his barky face. "Dont forget me my dears, for i might just change your #life" he said in a hoarse croak. He let them down to the ferny floor and evaporated into thin air, his grassy green leaves flying away. Current time 15 year old Tabatha and Betsy were trudging through that same forest, only the sound of the leaves crunching sounded. And would you believe the wisdom tree took place again and held the shaking girls up to his hickory brown face. " i see a bright and terrible future for you my dear" he croaked to Betsy. Betsys face fell for a second. "But terrible things have to happen for a bright future" he added. " and you" he croaked, looking into Tabathas dark eyes. She looked at him hopefully. He scoffed in sorrow and evaporated once more. Tabatha was left heartbroken. The thing is inside Betsy truly was the ugliest person alive, and on the inside Tabatha was the most angelic and beautiful. Betsy used the wisdom tree to her advantage to get the most popular, handsome boy to fall in love with her. Betsy hurried pigeon- footed through the forest, ignoring the dangling leaves as she pulled her perilous hammer along. She met the trees calm gaze and asked him quietly" how do i get the boy?" " i cant tell you such a thing" he replied dreamily. "I knew it" she whispered and raised her hammer... She hit the withering soul one last time, delivering the death blow... Silver, moonlight, white poured out of his wound. She cackled as he bled out and sucked his silvery blood, consuming all of his priceless wisdom. As she scuttled off she threw her bloody hammer aside. At that moment Tabatha rushed back to the forest, she knew Betsy was up to something from the change of heart she had noticed Betsy showing off. She tripped and grazed more times than she could count with her duck feet but did not let a little bit of blood escaping her get her down. She cried to the cruel forest to let her beloved tree be visible til she could cry no more. She found him battered and abused by the person she thought was her best friend. She was astounded as she watched a a scribble appear in his dead bark. SHE HAS TAKEN THE BOY. SHE IS EVIL. " i know" she sobbed quietly and rushed off to find the now vulnerable boy. Minutes later a new scribble appeared on his battered bark ITS TOO LATE.... #shortstory

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