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Devil's Daughter I had a normal teenage girl #life until he came. He was in my room, with my suitcases packed, my room was bare. Everything packed or gone. My grandmother was there crying until he grabbed my forearm. Puff. We were gone just like that. I opened my eyes very slowly to reveal a paradise that was hot, beautiful and had lots of fire. I screamed when I realised it was Hell. He was the Devil. I sank to my knees, only to be dragged upwards by someone. I let them drag me somewhere, they released me in a big room in front of a big black throne. I looked up to be faced by a man wearing all black. He had a black bone crown resting on his head. He had a matching tiara on a silk pillow on the throne next to him. The devil also was holding a small delicate black tiara with rubies and amethysts embedded into it. He shouted for a maid to take me to my room where I found was in the highest and most secure tower. As soon as the door closed and locked, I walked around the room and was awed by the decorations. There were big velvet curtains at every window, the bed was covered in black, purple and red silk sheets. There was a walk in closet that only held gowns in every shade of dark colours, it held knee length dresses in the same colours and there was another door. The other door led to a closet of shoes and jewellery. I walked back to the main room only to meet a team of maids that crowded me. After they were finished, I looked in a mirror, I was wearing a black floor length dress with my hair curling around my shoulders. A guard came in and led me to the throne room again where the Devil, King of Hell awaited me. He made a beeline for me and placed the tiara in amongst my blonde curls. A few days had passed and I caught word of a ball coming up. I went to find my father and found him in a huge garden room filled with black, red, purple, silver and gold flowers. It was breathtaking, he was twirling a purple lily in his hand and in the other hand, there was a picture of him, a woman and a baby. I guessed the baby was me and the woman was my mother. A woman I hadn't seen in fourteen years, a woman who abandoned me to my grandmother, a woman who never cared about me and a woman who had never told me the truth. The truth that I was a princess of Hell, land of the dead. My father turned and saw me, I could he had been crying and I realised so had I. I turned on my heel and ran for the tower. I was only stopped by someone whipping a boy who looked about a year or two older than me. I ran in front of the woman. Her whip caught my bare arm and pushed me to the floor. The tiara fell off and landed halfway across the room. My father ran into the room accompanied by a lot of guards. A couple ran over to me and helped me to my feet, another couple went to the room and pushed her to her knees in front of the King. When I was on my feet, I walked over to the boy and helped him up. He was gorgeous. He picked my tiara up and put it on my head, then he looked at the woman and the guards. He began shifting his weight from foot to foot. A guard started to lead me back to my room but I insisted that the boy came as well. He looked gratefully at me and I smiled. The guard had left us in my tower and I watched curiously as the boy went straight to the fireplace and huddled there. Even though Hell had pits of fire, it was freezing most of the time. I quickly went to my closet and changed into the lightest dress I had, a sapphire blue mini dress. I replaced the tiara with a hairband and the heels with ballet flats from home. I walked back to the boy to find him with a biscuit in his hand and sugar around his mouth. I kneeled on the floor next to him and he looked alarmed. We sat and talked about random things. It turns out he is really sweet and is called Kile. We laughed for hours, then we were interrupted by a knock at the door. I got up and answered it to reveal a guard who walked uninvited inside my room. I rolled my eyes and sat back down with Kile. On the night of the ball, I found it was to welcome the new princess, me. My maids dressed me in an elegant ruby red gown with heels that will kill my feet. The twisted my hair into an equally elegant bun with strands of blonde curls framing my face. Then they placed a new tiara with rubies and diamonds. My neck was decorated with a silver chain holding a large ruby in the shape of a heart. It hung into the low cut of my bodice, my wrists were decorated with diamond bracelets. I was escorted to the ballroom and Kile was awaiting me at the door. He looked so nervous and was in a black suit. I have to admit he was even more handsome. He opened the doors and we walked in, I went to my father who began to make an announcement about how his heir and soul daughter had been returned to him by fate. The ball went on until midnight, which is when I headed to my room. Kile walked me there and we said our good nights. A few weeks went by and I was starting a o get used to living in Hell, it was alright and I'd made a couple of friends. Kile and a few of the guards were nice to me, even the maids I considered as my friends. I wasn't getting used to the fact that whatever I said it was done. My father had started preparing me for the throne which was boring. A few days came and went, I was getting really bored because Kile had work so did my dad. I went looking for him and tried his bedroom. There was no one around so I slipped through the door and went to his desk. I found diaries and opened the most recent one. I read the entry from 2 days ago. It said about how I was young, naive and the perfect choice. I read on to find out he was using me to keep the throne for longer. He even planned for me to be engaged in 3 days. I worked out in my head that I was supposed to be engaged today. Today! I was too young, I'm only 16. I can't get married. There was a smash in the hall, I ran and hid in his wardrobe. Then the door opened and my father walked in with 2 men. One was his age and the other looked about 25. I guessed he was to be my future husband, someone nearly 10 years older than me. I remembered I still had the diary in my hand. I opened it again and began reading. He said stuff about me marrying this man would be good and he would lots of little heirs. I slammed the book shut forgetting the men were outside of the wardrobe. I quickly hid the book in a random coat pocket. The doors flew open and the young man was stood there, he smiled softly then grabbed my arm and led me to my father. He took me by the wrist and sat me down in a chair. He nodded to the young man and he introduced himself and his father. They were from a neighbouring kingdom, so they were King and princes as well. King Stephen and prince James. James led me outside to the gardens, to the gazebo where an afternoon tea was ready. I sat across from him and he started talking about himself then came to my side and knelt down. He opened a small black box and asked me to marry him. I couldn't help but start crying, he slid the ring on my finger and helped me stand. We went inside to the my room. He led me to the fire. He placed on hand on my waist and held my hand. He led me into a slow dance, pressing me against him. He began kissing my neck trailing them up to my jaw and my cheek. Then very slowly he kissed the corner of my mouth and when I didn't stop him, he kissed me on the mouth. He coaxed my lips open and explored my mouth with his tongue. A few hours later, I fell asleep curled up next to James. I dreamed of my mother, my grandmother and my old friends. Someone was repeating my name, I opened my eyes to see James looming over me. He wiped my face and I realised I had been crying. He went to get me a drink and I noticed I was in a bed. He must have carried me to the bed so I was more comfortable. James reappeared with a glass of water. I smiled up at him and took the water. James sat next to me, put the glass on a table and leaned over me. He kissed me and coaxed my lips open again, he shoved his tongue in my mouth and explored. Kile walked in and I pushed James away. Kile ran out of the room, I stood up, kicked my shoes off and ran after him. My gown was trailing behind as I ran, so was my hair. It had fallen loose from the curls and hairstyle. I finally caught up with him, when I did, I grabbed his arm and spun him around. Kile placed his hands on my waist and pulled me close, his mouth closed over mine. I pulled away. I told him I was engaged, that he was too late. A couple of days had passed, James moved into my room and we were to be married next week. I was nervous all the time, getting married, being a princess and my father wanting us to have babies as soon as possible. It was all getting to me, luckily I had James. The wedding was in two days time, everything was ready. I was excited, I had fallen in love with James. His sisters were my bridesmaids. The wedding day. Arianna, Lacy, Rosie and Rebecca had all stayed in my room last night and were getting ready now. The maids helped me with my dress, makeup and hair. I was stood outside the ballroom, waiting for my cue to go in. My bridesmaids started walking in so did I. The ceremony was over and we were at the party. I told James I was going outside for some air, he nodded and started dancing with little Rosie. I went outside and found Kile in the secret garden. Our place. I sat beside him and he looked up. His eyes were red, I hugged him and started crying again. I held his hand as we walked inside. I persuaded him to come to the party until he gave in and said yes. After the wedding, me and James went to our room. As soon as the door closed and locked, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. He unzipped the back of my dress and I stepped out of it, I removed his tie and jacket. He lifted me up as I was unbuttoning his shirt. He laid me on the bed and threw his shirt on the floor. I closed my eyes as he began undoing the ribbons on my corset. My corset joined his shirt on the floor and so did my panties. He removed the rest of his clothes and made love to me. A couple of days had passed since the wedding and I was sick. I kept throwing up and everything. It was horrible. My maids suspected I was pregnant but I kept saying there was no way. A week had passed and I stopped throwing up. A few more weeks had passed and I was getting a bump. My father called a doctor and the doctor confirmed it. I was pregnant. My father and James were so happy. 16, married and pregnant. Well done me and the father was fricking 9 years older than me. A month had passed and my bump was getting bigger, my maids were constantly adjusting my dresses. 3 months had passed and my baby bump was huge. 5 months down, 4 months to go. Kile began visiting again and made fun of me, he also brought some stuff up. James was so excited. 3 more months had passed, the baby bump was massive, I had to stay in bed all the time, I couldn't go anywhere. The doctor came every morning and afternoon to see how I am. I had 3 and a half weeks to go until the birth. The doctor was checking on me and I went into labour. My father and James were in a meeting. James was fetched immediately and within minutes he was by my side. I kept pushing whenever the doctor.told me to. Eventually, the baby was born and cleaned. James sat on the bed while I held our baby daughter. We had called her Dahlia. I fell asleep soon after Dahlia did.. Dahlia was 3 months old, James had gone done to another meeting with my father, which left me and Dahlia alone. She started crying, I picked her up and bared my breast to her. When she was full, the doctor appeared. He checked Dahlia. Then he put dahlia in her crib and shut the door. I was on my bed and I sat up but he pushed me back down again. He made sure I was healthy. He then left. They lived in peace, dahlia became a loved princess, I became queen and James became King. The end, they lived happily ever after. my dresses. 3 months passed and my stomach was huge.kept telling them no.James away.to get me a drink and I sat up. I was on the bed, James must have carried me to the bed so I was more comfortable. boring. straight away so that had to be a bonus, right?

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