Translate   8 years ago

Always Believe With such a low self-esteem I needed to start believing Believing in myself, that’s all I needed I believed I was worthless, no personality And quite plain looking, Over the past year or so, I believed It more than ever! Then only three weeks ago my eyes Have been opened wide To the person who me think All these things about myself The person I gave 15 years to The person I gave my heart to and asked Them not to break it and gave Every ounce of my love to, MY WIFE And it is her that’s all these things But in all honesty Her opinion means nothing I’ve now become me, I may have Green blue hair and love my dungarees But this is me There’s so many opportunities out there for me And when I’m free from locked doors Jingling of keys and barred windows I’m determined to grab the opportunities I’ve been offered With both hands and not let go For 15 years I believed I was worthless And now I’m happy and the real me I love the person I’ve now become and Will never allow anyone else make me Believe any different. Always believe That something good Is Going to Happen… ##poetsin

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