Translate   8 years ago

Little Devil I’m stood on top of this bridge With all sorts of voices screaming at me! “Just jump, go on, I dare you, jump!” “No, what is that little devil telling you to do and think? Why would you want to do that?” “Alright then, if you’re not going to jump, just wait for a passing car “BANG” it’ll all be over, you’ll be at peace at last.” I seem to have an angel and devil as the saying goes, ‘on each shoulder.’ I just want to shout, stamp my feet, and scream as loud as I can, just fuck off. But no, they are right there still walking right behind, giving me no breathing space. That devil always seems to win, not this time, I’m covering my ears, screaming at the top of my lungs and fucking that devil off, out with the old, in with the new!! ##poetsin

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