Translate   8 years ago

A Book Of Beauty What does beauty mean to you? Is it what you see or the things you do? I do not believe that beauty is skin deep It’s at its best when natural, like during sleep I wish we could see the real version of each other And try to stop judging a book by its cover What do you see in the face of this girl? I’m sure she scares too many who think of her not of this world So why do so many hide their face behind a mask Maybe feeling ugly and scared which shows a nasty past Beauty truly is within the eye of the beholder It runs through the bone and does not wear as we get older Roses are traditionally beautiful with silky petals adorned But also each is intertwined with some sharp and pointy thorns Like roses we are all on the surface pretty creatures And so we all possess our thorns in the form of our meanest features In the girl I see such beauty behind that gothic mask And I bet she has a soft kindness if you’d only ask Surrounded by the roses she has a feminine side But somebody hurt her and gave her reason to hide Every single one of us has beauty in one way or place There are no set rules for it and it’s not just on your face Remember you are beautiful no matter how you look It’s about what’s within the pages not the cover of your book… ##poetsin

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