Translate   8 years ago

Stream Of Consciousness Today, marmalade sandwiches for the eating of hunger and bears who are orange and sweet Is sticky of jars who are, who are, who are owls with claws and feet On branches and tiny leaves which are green or brown With veins all red and blood flows upwards, down Over an umbrella and drip drip droplets of beads water in windows That make patterns with faces that are missing teeth When they smile they are sad, but no wrinkles And Botox has danger Which is yellow and high voltage will electrocute and Taser By the police if you do not behave So don’t lay down on it cuz there is no ball games With the moody pensioners sitting on benches or playing bowls round ones full of cereal No milk though, don’t like soggy, cinnamon grahams, so hungry Need more food like carbs make you fat, but you want to look healthy Why do the birds copy noises? Do they know that walking is pointless When you have wings? If they drank flied, but what would happen cuz they already have wings But flying is a mental state, astral projection would be cool If you could visit another planet entirely ##poetsin

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