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...Steve's Diary... Christmas is gone. Boring, if you ask me. You get all used to the Christmas spirit and having fun and stuff, then... BAM. It's over. Anyway, didn't exactly take any cleaning up. As there are invisible robots that drop out of the furniture and clean up for you. I guess on the bright side, Peter isn't so hyper. I mean, he is most of the time, but Christmas... wow. I seriously doubt anyone else in the whole of Mystinaar could jump as high as Peter on Christmas Eve. He also put loads of notes around the whole apartment building saying stuff like: 'Father Christmas does not appreciate non believers' and 'TEAM SANTA'... also I doubt anyone would guess he's 18. Like all of us. He decided 'if santa isn't gonna come... let's make Travis santa!' Typically, Peter likes to get on Travis' nerves. When he was sleeping, he used whipped cream to give him a beard... and put a stocking on his head. I'll admit, it was kinda funny. I pity Thea, who lives with him. Though, when he's with her, which is basically all the time, she's more comfortable with Peter, and he's more gentle with her. Christmas with Peter... Yipee. It's New Year's Eve. Meaning fireworks display. I kinda like fireworks, I guess. But Khloe loves them, she could like, sit there and watch them for days. She's only really told me, because she finds it embarrassing, that she likes fireworks so much. I don't have a problem with it, but whatever shoots your fireworks, as they say... well, nobody says that. Knowing her, things that she likes, aren't usually things like.. ya know, skydiving, or scuba diving or secret missions, or battles, or extremely dangerous sport. Or a lot of sport actually... but she could just sit there with a book for ages, or something. Though, as they are late at night, she'll probably fall asleep. Well, they were pretty cool. I've never seen them before, probably because I've been on a mission to save the whole city and stuff. I won my bet, she fell asleep. She eventually just stopped saying much. Or moving, and drooped her head on my shoulder. Then Travis fell asleep. He looked super uncomfortable, like with his neck at a ninety degree angle, so it surprised me that PETER put him comfy in the end. Knew it. In the end, they are kinda friends. And then Thea fell to sleep on Peter's shoulder. Then it was just me and him. Which stirred memory's of mine. Like the beginning. The beginning of my #life now. Sitting there with Peter at school. Just woke up from my normal #life. And ever since, it's never just been me and Peter. He is, after all, my best friend. We just sat there, in happy silence, both smiling, thinking the same thing, thinking: 'Look how far we've come.' ...AUTHORS NOTE.. I first, thank you. For reading. The truth is, I just thought it would be fun to get something out there, that people know me for. This is it. I finally completed the lives of Steve, Peter, and the Mystic Heroes. NAH! I'm going to keep writing these books for a looooong time now. This isn't the end. I mean, come on! What happened in between books, when the characters were waiting, anxiously, for the next Hex trial. What happened as SOON as Reaper was chained up? But really, it all leads up to this everlasting question. This question, that can never fully be answered, that you're all thinking now: What happens next? This, is why I wrote my books. Every series I read, I could never get enough of it. When I reached the end of a series. I kept thinking... What happons next?

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