Ive never felt so alone.. i used to have everything i used to have friends i used to have family i used to be happy and i used to have a reason to go out and now i have one friend left that i hardly see i dont really see my family anymore so now i feel like im alone in this big world im trying so hard to get my #life sorted and do things i need to do for my future but i cant even do that i dont see a ponit in #life anymore but im trying to hang in there for my little cousins.. they need someone there for them even tho i dont see them all the time everytime i do see them they smile and thats why i need to stay strong but its not always its i just want to drop everything and run away from my problems but maybe that is my problem maybe ive been running for to long and now maybe i just need to deal with my problems because #life is full of problems weather we like it or not we have to deal with it.
Brian Beisigl
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