Traducciones   8 años

Believe In Yourself I never believed in myself from day one i would always try to rely on someone else for my happiness either it was a bestfriend or just a friend or a partner or a family member but i learnt the hard way that no one can make you happy but ypurself if you want to change something in your #life your the one that can do it not even your parents can make you happy even if they try they just cant your the only one that can make yourself happy and have fun and thats when i realised that i need to stop worrying about everyone else and i need to fix my own #life forst cause i come first not anyone else and yeah i havent done everything that i need to yet but im getting there slowly you dont need to ruch getting your #life sorted you have to take it day by day and if that means sticking to yourself then do it trust me i lost most of my friends when i was trying to make myself happy but that just moved me who my true friends are. I only had one friend left but shes never really there for me and she doesnt understand why i never want to go out anymore well i guess because im just sick of all the drama and i want to get my #life back on track.

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