Reverie (For my Miles <3) When we found our place We were cracked and crested Fallen into days that did not exist Beyond clueless obligations shifting Cold bones wrapped in paper skin Trailing behind a cranking chain Who gave no bushel in return For the forage of spirit in its path But Honey, don't you remember? There was no sifting once our light shone The rocks overturned were left lying And there we stood to see ourselves See, we did, with no watching A diving in, we swam our fits down that Raging river, supine but standing Serpentine bends through boulders atop boulders But we kept our heads from drowning My Love, and we landed Feet wet and dripping Face to face in the palm of its hand And we melded into bronze bones Sewn nose to toes, hips to lashes We exchanged our rhythms Only to find they were always one in the same I made you mine, and you placed me Engraved into your chest to wear I weaved you into my tattered everything And you stripped yourself bare Agape, you capped me and spared what Would have become ash without you And I left myself raw and pouring For your fingers to tread with their medicine Darlin', I promise I have tried To whisper with gold dust and rubies My flame into your ear To always fill you with honey and pearls We were born for this, I know you remember As one and as embers pried to pieces And we have gathered our own pebbles Along a trench in shades of gray But now here, we have our table And I will forever lie in my open skin for you While you hold me in your pocket So that we never break again And I will run my fingers through your hair On every hand of every hour To teach you what you never Knew you were One day, honey, we will die on this soil And we will leave our place for another A return to that reverie of our ember Where we were born But until then I will tell you Each second of each mottled day So in no place here will you ever forget I love you

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