I Killed Her I killed a girl today The girl that I fought with for years The person looking back at me in the mirror That girl would fill my head up with lies Telling me that I'm never going to be good enough That girl would bring me so far down into the deepest darkest parts of the ocean While I tried so many times to swim up to the shore the waves would keep me under I killed the negativity that girl was causing I told her I had enough So one stormy night I decided to drown her and her negativity As I drowned her I saw the malevolence in her eyes die I shouted at her that she's not welcome here anymore I fought with that girl for years So I decided to kill her She can no longer drag me down anymore For I am a better person now who loves herself unconditionally Who puts herself first for once in her #life I killed the girl in my mind To the girl that told me I will never be good enough That I'd never amount to anything She didn't know what I was capable of I was capable of finally learning to love myself I killed the side of that girl that didn't know how to love herself For now I am a new woman who's capable of loving herself.

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