Translate   7 years ago

Captured Or Free? Never in the entirety of my #life have I felt such exasperating emotions as often as this. The feeling of supressed anxiety swelling up in my throat, making it harder and harder to try and contain the hurt that travels from my weak knees to my clenched fists. As my teeth grit against each other, I soon realise that the sounds that are suppossed to be coming out of my mouth have now turned into diegetic thoughts. Thoughts that make me want to bawl my eyes out, destroy everything in my path or simply just stand. Stand in a space of nothingness. Where everything is white which could conclude to the fact of not having thoughts at all. Where you have a blank piece of paper that lays on the floor in front of you examplifies the - much more than a - word "Thoughts". However, where there lays a piece of paper there lays thoughts. Everything leads to thoughts. And even though these thoughts have dissapeared into a land that I now cannot reach, even if wanted to, I will have to face them again. My back up against a wall struggling for an area to move that will set me free. Thoughts are what makes me, me after all. The thoughts that capture me will also be the thoughts that set me free. Im just waiting for them to set me free...

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