çevirmek   8 yıllar önce

Crimson Rose Deep beneath the icy snow, Lay a beauty there. Dark crimson were her pedals, But inside was cold and bare. How she got here no one knows, A secret yet untold. Before you lays a legend, That for now we shall behold. The story goes as many do, At once upon a time. Her #life was just beginning, Complete with song and rhyme. Her melody rang far and wide, A song of love and care. Then he came a lovely sight, He had to stop and stare. She saw the boy a masterpiece, And in that moment chose. So then his fate was forever sealed, The boy who loved a rose. Springtime ended and summer came, Followed by the fall. Together their love was beautiful, Like pictures on a wall. But she knew he couldn't stay, Snowflakes had been foretold. So with all her teary strength, She faded into the cold. Her eyes did fluttered open, Before her stood a man. Though his heart had loved her, He didn't understand. She left because she loved him, And yet she still came back. For her heart hadn't found the strength, To give him up like that. She loved him just as friends, When the summer came around. But as the damp winter met, She fell into the ground. As she woke the second time, And looked into his eyes. Her pedals sank as she saw, The longing desperate cries. She warned him not to love her, And still he did not go. It broke her heart to see him, For yet he didn't know. At last she tried to fade again, Her pale pink pedals wilted. But he could not just let he go, The snow around her melted. He grasped her tight and pulled her back, But as he did he saw. Crimson running from from his hands, His skin was cut a raw. She cried as her thorns pierced him, Blood drained onto white snow. Frozen tears ran from her eyes, Amidst his face a shadow. So there you are a story told, Of two who couldn't be. Unwanted thorns surrounding her, And a man who would not see. Now her pedals are stained red, From a man she couldn't hold. Encompassed by her frozen dreams, Dark, damp, and cold. She remembers a boy a masterpiece, And wishes she hadn't chose. Now his fate is forever sealed, A boy who loved a rose... By Selah French

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