Row Boats 3 The child It started at such an early age, the voices the torture every part of my #life was influenced from that moment. The moment it first happened. "Im scared" I said as the preacher man took off his clothes and replaced them with a red robe that matched the specked carpet. "Just be quiet like a good girl" he'd say over and over as tears welled up in my eyes. My dreams my wishes all fell at that moment when his big hands took and took everything from me. Every moment was like a thousand every tear was like an ocean. Every scream was silent. God wasn't there the clouds were so far away and the birds fell from the sky into hell. The torture never stopped it just got worse like daggers digging deeper into flesh. The memories faded days started to blur and weeks and months and years. The torture never stopping the demons taking all I had. The horror story just beginning.

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