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Childish Bones Mimi... make me feel good like you used to.... make this sad go away......... Sitting on a rolling chair, I rebelliously rolled my way through the isles of Safeway, shark phone seated on my lap with my music blaring. It was quite busy tonight..... As I rolled around, I noticed another girl across from me doing the same thing. She stared at me. This wasn't unusual given what I was doing but coming from her, I didn't like it.... "Let me know if the music is bothering you. I can turn it down," I offer to this only person. "That's alright," she responds quickly. She says she doesn't care. I end the awkward convo by getting out of my chair and rolling it into a clearing where an older overweight man asked if I was done with it. I let him have it and I walk into the other isles for cookie dough. There was a quick shift. I have something important. A package of some sorts. I was to fly it to a village. I quickly fly up and creative mode fly over some good amounts of land. No village. That meant I had to go to other terrain.... but I knew where my home was... I wanted to go there.... but I needed a village..... I take a slight detour to a small island where I find a rather large farmhouse with a meager fence in front with various animals inside. I terrorize the animals in the fenced area. A girl comes out from the terrain to the right and scolds me for putting the male bunny into the mix. She says I'll make more bunnies. Duh..... Quick shift... again and I was transported with blue lights into a type of realistic future facility. There, the first thing I see is Daisy who, as always, happily greets me. "MIIIIMIIIIII!!" She gives me a big hug despite the long time I hadn't seen her. She always comforted me... she led me to her room. Daisy's small room seemed to be temporary. It was small and you entered from one side to basically walk through what room was available to the window to the right. Nothing else. As soon as you walk in, the white-sliding doors to a closet could be seen. To the left behind the door was a small poster. To the right of the closet grew out to have a white plastic laundry basket cozied next to a dresser with miscellaneous makeup, lotions, and sprays villaged on top. The surface led to a slight elevation which was basically a nightstand that held a small tv. It was on but nothing was showing. Only the blue hue of its light was valuable. Next to that was a working desk, with note paper and writing supplies. A perfect place to be next to the window that you can turn your head to view a winter tree lulling in the wind, your view interrupted by a single power line. Adjacent to that, was the bed, pushed forward into the middle of the room due to the backing of what seemed like a huge headboard decorated with that traditional Latino attire that was God stuffs and a puffy blanket covering a cold wall. Daisy tells me to be careful and we reminisce about the game creator, Miramoto. Before I came into the game, he briefed me. I was to complete a small series of tests and I would be done. Just like that. It wasn't a difficult request but I should have asked the older Japanese man with a bandaged head cap whose hair patches poked through, whose left eye was replaced with a rather large screw, whose slender body was tucked under a blanket, who sat in a wheelchair, who had a small and crooked smile, who wanted nothing more than the failure of me and would mean my certain death...... daisy as usual wanted to talk about emotions and I quickly leave to resume the game. I want to get out as soon as possible. She quickly learns of my disappearance and I hide in the shadows to make sure wherever she goes, I go the opposite.... She comes out almost like a wandering elderly lady, slightly crouched over in a worried posture and inching her steps as if missing any ground with the soles of her feet would be for sure a missed attempt to find me. I hear her sad calls... "Mimi.... Make me feel good like you used to.... make this sad go away....." As soon as I was sure that she was downstairs, I left. As I approach a room, the prompt tells me: KILL EVERYONE TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE OPEN DOORS Determined, as soon as the time bar appears, I take out a hilt and snap it into a plasma sword. Killing everyone would be hard. But with the plasma sword, you could lunge forward quickly, which is what I did. Once the power depleted, I rushed to use my plasma rifle to little avail but to slow the enemy. I managed to find a shotgun... game over. I kill everyone in this stage and I rush through the portal-like sliding cylinder doors Into the next room where another battle ensues. This battle was larger but I had too much at steak to lose. After my shotgun empties, I manage to use its last blast to kill an elite in a ghost. I steal the ghost and kill off the other ghost and the banshee. With it being too big to advance with, I had to abandon it. After the battle and my shield recovers, I crouch run through the doors and through the opposite end of the next room... I want to go now.... I pick up another plasma sword and some ammo for my shotgun from the corpses in the previous room. As I go through the dimly lot area, a clear signal that this is NOT the way to go, I see a familiar area... I was back to where daisy was. I look at the window on the door to the stairs and see none other than Daisy. I panic. She Walks up stairs through door holding a print out of a brain activity color chart. I hide with my shotgun behind a rather large but thin cabinet. I worry that she saw me before I hid behind the shadows. My fears were realized when she walked up to me... 'Mimi... no more secrets... no more hiding......' I knew that she could have done something... anything..... ended me..... but I knew she wouldn't.... I knew..... but then I also knew..... that she was the last one..... her face was so sad and her voice echoed. She took me by the hand and I shockingly looked at her, my face wide eyed and battle ready from the previous room... she led me into her room once again where she carefully sat me on the bed. "It's okay. It's okay. He's already gone. I'm gonna make this better, okay?" I was still in shock, mouth agape. "I'll be back, okay? Stay here. I'll be back. You'll be okay." As I swiped a hand across my face and waved the other at her to signify that I was alright if she left, I glanced at the table to the right of the tiny television, whose blind light was the only thing lighting the room, I saw the bandaged headcap that Miramoto sported, tiny scoops of hair standing out of the bloodied wraps. Next to it we're some screws and the skull cap. She did it. She killed Miramoto. But what did that mean for me? I can't escape this... I'm trapped.... If he's dead.... That means that..... I really do.... Have to......... ....... ...... ........ Kill her...... As I wait for her in the quiet room, a low breeze coming from the dark window to the right of the table, I slowly....... And somehow unhappily......... Wake up......

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