That Feeling In The Pit - PT 1 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION PHOTOS was written on large box. A strong mist of dust blow in my face as I moved it onto the table from the old and dented storage shelf. I take a handful Of the photos and spread them out in my table. Cheerful young faces. Their whole lives ahead of them. Quite a contrast to photos of some of the same kids in the pile to the right;Body parts and mangled forms. Impressionistic, horrific, real. CRIME SCENE PHOTOS reads on the side of the box I grabbed them from. I take a puff from my nearly finished cigarette and think of that day. It was March 20, 1991, that day marked my 2nd year as a cop. A bout 15 police officers and a shitload of detectives and forensics specialist were dispatched to a remote cabin located in the Central Pine Barrens of Long Island New York. All the chatter over the radio made it sound like we were about to enter some really crazy shit. We hoped into our squad cars and rolled out to the location;hell some of my fellow officers had smiles on their face. Aside from the usual muggings and store robberies, it had been a pretty quite month. When we neared the Barrens a really sick feeling entered my stomach. Like when you smell a dead rodent in your home or something like that. I used to live in Long Island dad and I would spend a few hours every other week just walking around in there. The father son stuff you would see on the Hallmark movie of the week. The patrol car slowed when we reached our destination. We pulled up to the front of the trail office along with the other squads already there. Where we were going had no trail for a car to drive through. And we needed a guide to steer us to the crime scene. As the other officers, forensics , and walked through the woods, my partner Mike looked over at me and whispered " did you here what happened ?" I said to him no, but there was a lot if chatter over the radio about the scene was indescribable.

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