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What I Dont Have The Guts To Say If our marriage is falling apart- which I feel it is and has been for a while, the last thing I want is arguments and resentment. If our girls will grow up with separated parents then we need to be civil and friendly. We haven't and don't make each other happy. Please open your eyes to the reality we live in and remember past happiness, because the intensity and obsession of our relationship has blinded us to real happiness. I don't bring out the best in you and you don't bring it out in me either. It's sad it really is, and it breaks my heart into a million pieces but I think we both know deep down that we are not right together. You have been the biggest love of my #life so far and we have created 2 beautiful girls. That in it's self could never be topped but it's time we faced the truth and stopped pretending. It is neither one of our faults, we have just had our run. Nothing has to be rushed regarding us living apart. I don't want to see you in any hardship. We can try and save to get you a place to stay and obviously my girls are your girls and we will sort out whatever needs to be sorted for you and them. I'm devastated that we have arrived at this point but I don't see that we can go on for much longer the way we are. I want to be happy, I want you to be happy and most of all I want our girls to be happy. The beginning of the end is scary but remember new chapters open new doors eventually and this will allow us both the freedom to find happiness in whatever that may be.

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