An American Nightmare... Lady Liberty awoke startled; something had wormed itself into bed with her! She swiveled her head around to witness the bloated, orange-hued features of what passed for the American president. "Hello, Sweetie!," greeted the small, baby-like mouth beside her. "I'm your boss now; gimme some sugar!" To her horror, Liberty saw that the figure's little hands were trying to force their way between her legs. "I just can't help myself!," said her unwelcome companion. "When I see a beautiful woman, I just gotta kiss them!" The lips of the strange, baby-sized mouth were puckering in anticipation... Liberty bolted upright in her bed, casting her covers hurriedly aside. Scanning her surroundings, her panicked glance fell upon the tablets that she held during her daytime hours on the pedestal. She snatched the tablets and swung them in an arc at the Orange Man, catching him on the temple. Stunned, he fell back in pain, howling like a child and grasping his head. "But I won the election!," he cried. Liberty hit the floor, running as fast as her sandaled feet could, her draped garment flowing around her. She ran to seek her sister Justice, who while she might be blind, did carry a sword...
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