[Phantom Strings] In my dreams I cut the string and a puppet I was no more, Adapting on my own two feet was harder than once thought, Used to having what I did and said controlled by them, I found freedom rather hard to manage or comprehend, No longer an observer I sought out my own new #life, But old habits resurfaced and told me to stay in line, The world now looked so different looking through my own lens, Hesitance and Caution became my unwanted new best friends, Unwanted because they stopped me from enjoying each small perk, Teaming up with Guilt, they undid my recent, independent work, I thought freedom was mine but phantom strings were still attached, They controlled my actions until my old behaviour it did match, The puppeteers were absent yet I felt their shadowy presence, So again I danced in time to every beat to make the pressure lessen, My joy was put aside in order to make them smile, Questioning if this #life of mine is even worth while? "Dance little puppet, you know what you must do," It wasn't how I wanted to live but it was all I really knew...

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