I Remember I remember you are always there for me Sometimes I couldn't see I remember your love was there for me I always could see I remember the way you patched my boo boos for me We would blow together on my knee I remember you feeding me I knew we had little money but you did it for me I remember you kissing and hugging me I'll never forget they was all for me I remember you laughing with me We'd laugh for hours just for me I remember the books you read to me You'd read book after book and taught me how to treat a book just for me I remember how sweet and perfect you are to me You taught me how to be kind to one another just for me I remember going camping and fishing and taking those catfish off the hook with me You only did that for me I remember you showing me how to be a great friend for me You are my best friend to me I remember everything you knew you taught me You did it all for me I remember that you tell me you'll always keep learning for me You did that only for me I remember every time you say I love you to me I knew it was always for your love of me Mom I remember everything you are to me I love you and that's from me Dedicated to The World's Greatest Mom Written by: Denise Huddleston

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