Let Me Go Sitting here in the dark Afraid to go to the park I might burn like a vampire I feel like a wild wire I'm alone in this cruel world No one to hold on to make #life easier in this twisted whorl I'm scared I'll die alone But really does it matter the demons say they will never leave me because their bad to the bone Children grown and gone I'm left all alone I hate that the demons inside has taken over my body and soul Coming in one by one threw the keyhole I guess the demon stole the key that I had hidden Where no one could see in the kitchen The key holds my soul intact Now I'm left with a key hole open for the demons to be let in whenever they want to attack They come and go with out fear While I lay here in tears I wish I'd made another key Then I could lock the door to my soul for keeps and be set free The demons have captured my soul Turning my soul into captivity in the black hole I want to break free But it's not in me For this demon is to strong I've lost all hope in beating this demon for now I'll play along I'll lay here a bit longer to build up my strength For maybe one day I'll beat this demon who lives with me day and night driving me insane Written by: Denise Huddleston

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